Essential Android Apps

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Why not link to the original thread ;)

Anyway, it just makes me glad that I'm not using that app anymore or any of their other apps. Tbh, I haven't been using it for months ever since they have been adding so many useless features.
Why not link to the original thread ;)

Anyway, it just makes me glad that I'm not using that app anymore or any of their other apps. Tbh, I haven't been using it for months ever since they have been adding so many useless features.

The thread was so long :p

But I agree, I haven't been using GOSMS for a while now. It's so bloated with features that the majority of users wont use. Go Launcher is ok for now, but I see it going in the same direction.
I use stock SMS, I actually find it better than any 3rd party app now. It just works, doesn't have any of the bugs of go/handcent/chomp etc and I don't miss any of the others at all.
The Chrome Beta is okay but it certainly isn't as smooth as the stock Android 4.0 WebKit browser. It does look good though and I like the tab animations, but page rendering isn't quite accurate with some text on these very forums being larger than usual.

Beta though, so hopefully the smoothness and the rendering are sorted out! ICS keyboard corrections and predictions work though.
What sms app do people use? GOSms is annoying me it keeps changing convos to go chat thing and it doesn't show a name when it does it so I have to guess who it is.

Also the sheeer amount of updates is crazy I have no idea what they keep fixing but they are constant! Is Handcent ok still?
change the 'running mode' (in settings (advanced), application settings to custom and disable go chat...

and updates are good - means they're ironing out underlying issues

Handcent still works fine, but it just doesn't 'feel' as good as GoSMS to me
GoSMS is uninstalled for now till more is found out about that privacy stuff (would uninstall the launcher as well, but there really is nothing that is better than it on the market or even comes close to it), although my mobile does seem more snappier since I uninstalled it, so I may just use the stock SMS app for now anyway :)
destroyed my battery in the sgs2 - played it for a min - then pressed home, then locked the phone. Came back 10mins later and its still raping the processor - ate like 25% in 10 mins. buggy!

Yep I noticed that too, you back to 'back out' of it else it sits there munching your cpu.
No new tests within but I got 3249 on the S2, doesn't really seem too far off from the previous version either.
3875 on my S2 at stock, 2886 on my :( I suppose it is pushing 50% more pixels. BUt yeah, for something that 'now' support dual core and whatnot, they scores aren't much different
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Aye, I read RedPill kernel is not geared towards benchmarks but smoothness and power consumption - Which it does very well!

But That was only one run of course, is it still; the same where the 3rd run reveals the highest score?
Just tried and there isnt a lot of difference really. 100 points down on both devices on the second run, the 3895 on the S2 and 2911 on the TP on the third. Vsync cant be helping the 3d scores though - the s2 spends half of the 3d tests lock at 60fps. I suspect the score would be higher if it wasnt lol
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