Essential Android Apps

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Well you're an unusual case with so many devices. Just pick 2. For Sky it's a licencing issue they prob couldn't avoid

Easier said than done. I'd need it on my main laptop for normal times, my portable laptop for watching downstairs/travel, and my phone for when I haven't got a laptop with me (most of the time). I don't especially need it on my iPod, that would just be nice.. but in today's world, only 2 devices is too restrictive IMO.
So have it on your portable laptop and your phone. If you want to watch it in your house (like you would on your main laptop), plug in the portable one to the tv.
Can anyone recommend a music player with FLAC support? I currently use Winamp and it's my favourite of all the players I've used but no FLAC is very very annoying :(
Within the space of 6 months alone we've seen some high profile apps and games brought to the Android Market. A lot of people out there thought this would either never happen or happen too late. With Sky, I guess it's a little late but in relative terms it's not really that late :p

Things can only get better from here on especially this year when every phone released should be sporting ICS and with developers taking advantage of this, good times to look forward to.
So have it on your portable laptop and your phone. If you want to watch it in your house (like you would on your main laptop), plug in the portable one to the tv.

Not so simple ;)

My main laptop is permanently plugged into my projector, which is also plugged into my xbox. Unplugging the xbox is a no-no because it's a rather fragile cable set up there due to needing both HDMI and component as the PJ can't handle sound). Unplugging the laptop is a no-no because it would majorly upset my screen resolution settings, which take ages to sort out.

The only free PJ inputs are component/composite inputs, which suck. So - rock and hard place :(
Can't the laptop/xbox be unplugged at the projector end? if they're both turned off at the time of unplugging and you plug them back in before turning them back on then the resolution settings shouldn't be affected surely?

Like if I unplug my tv from my computer (tv end) when the computer is on, it'll 'jump' as it drops screen 2 and squeezes everything onto one screen... but if the computer is off, it's just a dead plug - plug it back in before turning the computer back on and it never knew it was unplugged :)

I'm sure there's a reason why this won't work though as it seems too much of an obvious solution lol
Can't the laptop/xbox be unplugged at the projector end? if they're both turned off at the time of unplugging and you plug them back in before turning them back on then the resolution settings shouldn't be affected surely?

Like if I unplug my tv from my computer (tv end) when the computer is on, it'll 'jump' as it drops screen 2 and squeezes everything onto one screen... but if the computer is off, it's just a dead plug - plug it back in before turning the computer back on and it never knew it was unplugged :)

I'm sure there's a reason why this won't work though as it seems too much of an obvious solution lol

The laptop is always on, but although this could be done with the xbox, unplugging cables from the PJ end is never a good idea due to moving the PJ, which invariably upsets the image (whether it's the focus or the positioning), or worst case (if the bulb's hot) it can cause the bulb to break, which is over £100 to replace :(

Your suggestion would work though, regarding avoiding the resolution problem. Anyway I don't have any plans to get the Sky app as yet and maybe they'll support more devices in the future :)
Poweramp is excellent :)

Ditto to this!

I decided not to bother buying a new MP3 player and just got a bigger SD card for my Sensation.

Stock android music player is pretty drab but Power Amp is properly excellent!!

Bought it within in about 15 minutes of using the trial. Gets me some extra volume too
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