Essential Android Apps

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Thumb keyboard has a cool multi touch feature where you can hold the symbols key then tap numbers or whatever and then let go and it returns to the main keyboard. Nice!


Scratch that, so does ICS keyboard!
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In passing conversation with the wife I mentioned Barcode Battler from the 90s, we now have Codemon installed.. why oh why!

I still don't really have a clue what's a good monster but it passes some time on. :)
Right guys i need a app that will save my contacts and numbers. from my phone and when i get my s3 i can add them to my new micro sim there a app that stores numbers on cload or net so i can access them easy ?

If you tell us the device you're going from (assuming it's not already an Android) I can advise further but in general it will be export current directory to csv, upload to, clean up and then login to google on your phone and it will sync.
For the SwiftKey users, does this actually work?

Wow, that is clever. THough, mine uses a word I can honestly say I've used once. Infact the phrase it uses was sent to me ages ago!

Is there an app to remove the text from the icons or to change the icons? I don't want to root at the mo but if I can't do this without rooting I'll look into it sooner.
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