Essential Android Apps

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Haven't tried a live wallpaper, don't think the I5700 supports it (my mobile isn't rooted).

Yeah read quite a few comments about people complaining about that, once you put a live wallpaper on, it laggs etc.

mine did lag for a bit but it "snapped" and is fine now :/
I take it you loose all the black background stuff tho if you root... ie. The top info bar goes to white?
Has anyone who's using Launcher Pro, found it has increased drain on their phone? I've not really used my phone much today and I've used 60% from full charge. Battery info in the about phone sector only lists cell standby, display and android system being the main drains.

So I'm guessing Launcher Pro will come under the android system for battery drain?

The widgets I've installed due to losing the sense ones have been configured to update at the same interval as the sense widgets I was using. So don't think it's that, unless the widgets I'm using aren't as battery efficient as the stock sense ones.
It will likely be something else. The launcher wouldn't have any drain on the battery any more or less than any other launcher, if anything Sense would use more battery due to the extra resources SenseUI has and the added widgets it loads I'd have thought.

My battery has been the same as it was when using Sense. My report for today is:

When I receive an SMS and open it via handscent I still get the classic HTC notifier at the top of my screen. this happen to anyone else?
When I receive an SMS and open it via handscent I still get the classic HTC notifier at the top of my screen. this happen to anyone else?

i used titanium backup to uninstall the standard messaging program from my magic as i didnt use it and it stopped that, as i was getting 2 notifers every sms like you
Is there an app that does the same as the 1.6 built in battery status? I moved to a phone that only has 1.5... Also when I had my G1 it always seemed that the display had taken up 30%+ of the battery life even when I wasn't using it that much, it was always at the top of the list.
No it would not, background scheduled apps won't drain the battery. You can see for yourself using the ever more useful battery usage meter.
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