I get that sometimes, closing the app from the app manager and reloading it generally fixes that.unfortunately it thinks my pc is remote not localm, promting me to pay for a monthly service
I get that sometimes, closing the app from the app manager and reloading it generally fixes that.unfortunately it thinks my pc is remote not localm, promting me to pay for a monthly service
Have you tried closing the open tabs and opening a new one?Chrome Beta doesn't seem to load any pages on either my Nexus 4 or Nexus 7.
Have you tried closing the open tabs and opening a new one?
Sometimes even the stable chrome just decides that a tab isn't going to load anything again.
ABP maybe the problem? Caused nothing but problems for me.
Your pics show why I prefer Chrome when browsing this forum because I can read the text without zooming in and out.
Not to the extent of Chrome apparently.Are you suggesting that the AOSP browser doesn't have text scaling options?
thank you so much!
also whats the best free remote desktop app?
How about Fast Image Viewer?
•164632 - Edit Bookmark is broken
•167351 - Youtube video controls are lost after returning from fullscreen
•167016 - Some Samsung Galaxy S2 freezes
•168062 - Double tapping on non-zoomable sites scrolls the page to the top briefly before returning to original position
•167379 - Sometimes tabswitcher is frozen
•166998 - Tab content stretched out while returning to it through side swipe gesture
•168632 - Crash - Stack Signature: TabAndroidImpl::FromWebContents
•168388 - Sync signed in info text's font size is too small
•168430 - Bookmark star icon doesn't turn grey/white immediately after bookmarking URL /deleting URL from bookmarks
Press the tab button then swipe the window off the screen, that is the fastest way I know of.What's the easiest way to close a tab in Chrome on my Nexus 4? I hate having to make two plus clicks/gestures to close a tab...makes me want to switch back to ICSbrowser
Press the tab button then swipe the window off the screen, that is the fastest way I know of.
Personally I like the way tabs work in chrome on a phone.