Essential Android Apps

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You said:
Cerberus and Latitude aren't really comparable apps.

I pointed out:
He said Lookout, not Latitude.

You replied with a bafflingly unconnected post.
Here's the original post in full. See point 2.

1, I had all these on my Xperia Arc. I think they are Pay apps (like Netflix etc..) So I always uninstalled them (mainly as the Arc only had 380Mb RAM).

2, You can either use 'Cerberus' (Paid App, but very good from what I'm told), or ''Lookout' (made by the '3G Watchdog' people) to let you find your phone if it's lost or stolen!, Cerberus has a bit more functionality (especially if Rooted) but i have Lookout as I don't like having to 'Pay' for apps :D

3, Sony Wiseplot is Crap! Uninstall it ASAP, Either use Google Maps/Nav (if you have a decent Data Plan) or get a copy of NavFree and as many Maps of the world as you want (do this over Wi-Fi as the UK maps are 400Mb)... All 'OFFLINE' so you don't use any data whilst out and about!!.

4, I think this is summut to do with 'Playstation Mobile' which wasn't on my Arc (too oldskool for that stuff) so I dunno!! :)

I now have a Nexus 4 which is stripped down without any Manufacturer crap onboard!! :D

Have Fun with your nice new (I assume) Sony Android Phone!! :)
You said:

I pointed out:

You replied with a bafflingly unconnected post.
Here's the original post in full. See point 2.

The post you quoted is a reply to the person who was asking about Latitude and whether people could track his phone.

The reply about Cerberus/Lookout could either be a good recommendation or a bad one depending on what the OP wanted from the tracking app (Cerberus/Lookout are more for if you lose your phone, whereas Latitude is just a tracking app or whatever it does, I've never used it :p, that you can share with other people if you want) :).
The post you quoted is a reply to the person who was asking about Latitude and whether people could track his phone.

The reply about Cerberus/Lookout could either be a good recommendation or a bad one depending on what the OP wanted from the tracking app (Cerberus/Lookout are more for if you lose your phone, whereas Latitude is just a tracking app or whatever it does, I've never used it :p, that you can share with other people if you want) :).

Thank you. It's not me that's unconnected. The original question was about Latitude...
bsplayer in lan mode works great, i can play 1080p blurays on my 54mbit router.

I am using mantano reader for books, i realy like the interface and i can easily import my existing book collection. Another handy app is the rescan sd, that helps when connecting your device to your pc with mtp, sometimes it doesn't update changes. I am still looking for a good mail app.
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The OP asked...

2. Latitude app - on my phone i can see the phones location, is there anyway a user at home can track my phone? ie see my current location?

I took that as meaning "is there a way I can track my phone from the Web?"

So I said...

2, You can either use 'Cerberus' (Paid App, but very good from what I'm told), or ''Lookout' (made by the '3G Watchdog' people) to let you find your phone if it's lost or stolen!, Cerberus has a bit more functionality (especially if Rooted) but i have Lookout as I don't like having to 'Pay' for apps :D

I know Lattitude and Lookout (and Cerberus) are totally different things!! but I answered the question posted!! :p


But also, if you add friends within Lattitude they can see where you are and vice versa!! :)
I know Lattitude and Lookout (and Cerberus) are totally different things!! but I answered the question posted!! :p

No you didn't. He didn't ask how to track his phone, he asked, quite specifically, how someone at home could see where he is. :p

You decided to answer "how can I track my phone if it's stolen?" which tbh, wasn't even close to how it was asked.

Anyway, it is a rather pointless argument now.
No you didn't. He didn't ask how to track his phone, he asked, quite specifically, how someone at home could see where he is. :p

You decided to answer "how can I track my phone if it's stolen?" which tbh, wasn't even close to how it was asked.

Anyway, it is a rather pointless argument now.

So you say the Op didn't say 'Track' in his question...

I must be seeing things!! :p

2. Latitude app - on my phone i can see the phones location, is there anyway a user at home can track my phone? ie see my current location?
So you say the Op didn't say 'Track' in his question...

I must be seeing things!! :p

Yes, used the word track, then clarified, someone at home could see his position. That clearly shows he's not asking about if his phone is stolen, but so family members can see where he is. Is it REALLY that complicated?
But both Cerberus and Lookout can 'Track' a phone from a Home computer!... they're not just for stolen phones you know!!

The Wife uses mine if I'm late home, as I commute 75 miles down the M25/M4 and she's a worrier (especially when she hears there's been an accident) and if I get a phone call whilst driving I usually ignore it!! (we're both IAM drivers and any distraction is a no no)... so Lookout is a good way for the wife to see that I'm still moving and everything is okay!!

Dunno why you're blowing this up into a big problem!!.. I made a suggestion for a question asked!... if you don't like my answer, then that's up to you!!, I'm not telling you or the OP that you HAVE to install either of the apps!!!, but the OP might think it's okay!!
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...The Wife uses mine if I'm late home, as I commute 75 miles down the M25/M4 and she's a worrier (especially when she hears there's been an accident) and if I get a phone call whilst driving I usually ignore it!! (we're both IAM drivers and any distraction is a no no)... so Lookout is a good way for the wife to see that I'm still moving and everything is okay!!...

Of couuuuurrsee she just worries...she isn't checking up on you at alllll ;)
For what it's worth RR3 is a lot more fun since I became an EA gold currency Squilionaire with the help of a file. I would highly recommend you all at least try the game to see how amazing it looks, it blows me away how good looking it is and the controls are extremely well done. If EA hadn't arsed up the payment system I'd say this was the best mobile game out there.
Some of the prices of stuff at higher levels is ludicrous... Sixy or Seventy quid for a car + all upgrades.

I hope they make no money from it so that another abortion doesn't come out of EA.
Some of the prices of stuff at higher levels is ludicrous... Sixy or Seventy quid for a car + all upgrades.

I hope they make no money from it so that another abortion doesn't come out of EA.

I hope the mysterious file mentioned above goes towards making your hope come true, pay to win is crass in its greed and psychological manipulation especially at £70 for a tricked out car, the graphics are sound though.
But both Cerberus and Lookout can 'Track' a phone from a Home computer!... they're not just for stolen phones you know!!

Yes, and you can record video with the front facing camera but I wouldn't recommend people doing so when they can use the rear facing camera.

Dunno why you're blowing this up into a big problem!!.. I made a suggestion for a question asked!... if you don't like my answer, then that's up to you!!, I'm not telling you or the OP that you HAVE to install either of the apps!!!, but the OP might think it's okay!!

It wouldn't be if you accepted you answered a different question. You clearly state in your answer these apps can be used to find your phone if lost. All I've done it point out there's a free Google service for seeing where people are (the actual asked question).

I've never said the apps stated can't 'track' someone, they just aren't the best options and that seems to have upset you.
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