Essential Android Apps

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That's the only link i've got i'm afraid :p I asked about it on modaco as I couldn't find launcher pro and I was given that link.
As in 0.4.3....

Yes 0.4.4 has just gone up within the last two minutes. Dev has posted a drop box download link for the APK - so can get hold of it now.
Tis no problem, I shouldn't have been lazy and typed the full version..

I'm torn with Launcher Pro - it's so good but I really like the scrolling agenda widget of Sense (I have Pure Calendar Widget which I paid for, but doesn't scroll) and I miss the windscreen wiper on phone unlock when it's forecasting to rain :p
There was a discussion earlier about a calendar widget that allowed tv shows to be added. Was one found for the UK?
Don't think so. Want to find one myself, but I think the problem is that most visitors to the sites are torrent grabbers and there's not much interesting on in the UK that hasn't been on in the states.
Absolutely loving LauncherPro with the widget and the calandar, plus FB on another screen. simple but perfect :)
Get it from their website.

Menu > Preferences > Click the Launcher Pro link and you can get it from there.
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