I have voted remain, we will end up leaving, people who have it bad now and blame the EU will continue to have it bad, will find something else to blame.
100% this
I have voted remain, we will end up leaving, people who have it bad now and blame the EU will continue to have it bad, will find something else to blame.
I have voted remain, we will end up leaving, people who have it bad now and blame the EU will continue to have it bad, will find something else to blame.
leave now while we can,do not vote to stay it's the last chance to get our country back.
This isn't true though, if it all went down the pan, it wouldn't be impossible to leave in the future. That decision would still be in our hands.
Can we also ask who has changed their mind leave now remain and remain now leave?
Leave and leave, but I'm not fully confident in that prediction. The scaremongering of the remain campaign is bound to give them a last minute swing.
Option 2, sick of Germany trying to do what they couldnt do through 2 world wars-tell us what to do using threats to scare us
Option 2 here, I am still voting leave anyway.
On another note, I will be encouraging my 18 year old to vote, his first time. He would vote remain so we will cancel each other out.
Everyone eligible should vote in this.
Strangely enough, I see the 'leave' campaign have been unable to put up a valid argument to leave, without the need to resort to scaremongering! The TV broadcast last Thursday before The One Show was a classic example of this.I am gob smacked that the Gov have been unable (as far as I have seen) to put up a valid argument to stay, without the need to resort to crystal ball scare tacticts.