Strangely enough, I see the 'leave' campaign have been unable to put up a valid argument to leave, without the need to resort to scaremongering! The TV broadcast last Thursday before The One Show was a classic example of this.
It works both ways!
After we leave the EU, what do leave supporters think Britain will be like? Genuine question.
I am gob smacked that the Gov have been unable (as far as I have seen) to put up a valid argument to stay, without the need to resort to crystal ball scare tacticts.
Poor show old bean!
Yes same campaign that Norway run and still got the No to Joining the EU.
Norway seems to have done quite well outside the club although the EU supporters said they would be finished outside.
Voting Leave and hope Leave will win
(Whoever wins, I hope it is by a significant margin however)
I do not know if the results will be reported on a constituency basis or not, But I would expect that Rural and even many suburban areas will vote leave, Cities, particularly cities with large "Brown British" populations will, I expect, tend to vote to remain.
Strangely enough, I see the 'leave' campaign have been unable to put up a valid argument to leave, without the need to resort to scaremongering! The TV broadcast last Thursday before The One Show was a classic example of this.
It works both ways!
The more people I speak to, in and outside my line of work or social groups, the more that say they are voting leave, I have found very few remainers.
Remain is arguing for the status quo. If they win, nothing changes.
The vote is literally between the status quo, and leave. You might believe that staying in is a path to further integration, but that's not what this vote is about.
The more people I speak to, in and outside my line of work or social groups, the more that say they are voting leave, I have found very few remainers.
The last time we got a vote on the EU was in 1975, when it was 6 countries and was just about trade. The referendum question back then specifically included the term "common market" because that's what the vote was about, trade.