as for the job, sounds cool a.f. I'd probably love to do it if i was single, but with a missus and kids i don't think i could - presumably you spend a lot of time away from home? (edit- where do I sign up?)
Yea I work for FOM.
Install the telemetry / video transmission system around track. Someone has to drive round and make sure it's all working and transmitting. So everyone at home can get the sweet on board footage we all love.
So that's part of what I do!
When next to the track they are proper noisy things and there are a huge amount of microphones around track.
But for some reason it just does not come across on tv what so ever.
Cool job.
A quick question if you don't mind - I'm considering Baku next year. How do you find the city?
Cool job.
A quick question if you don't mind - I'm considering Baku next year. How do you find the city?
Track looks good, Baku looks a nice place
As it shouldWill really punish mistakes as you lose a lot of time.
As it should
And now a drain cover in the pit lane. I give up.
Track looks good, Baku looks a nice place
Crofty is grating on me big time now, try's to make a massive issue out of any little thing, gets things wrong continuously and is generally annoying!!