Euthanasia need to be considered in UK?

I thought this was really revealing:


People who've seen what the end of life is like are more likely to support assisted dying than those who haven't. (More in the Sunday Times article but its paywalled)

I can see why after spending 48 hours next to my dad as he died from a terminal disease rank among the worst hours of my life his last words were pretty much " why am I still here". That memory will haunt me until the day I die. I hope my kids don't have to go through the same thing
I can see why after spending 48 hours next to my dad as he died from a terminal disease rank among the worst hours of my life his last words were pretty much " why am I still here". That memory will haunt me until the day I die. I hope my kids don't have to go through the same thing

You have my sincere sympathies on that. My dad said the exact same thing.
My grandad was "ready to go" years before he finally did. He even expressed it to us as such.

Riddled with cancer, crippling arthritis, non-healing diabetic ulcers, incontinence and a very rapidly progressing dementia.

The final 2 years of his life he was kept alive, but he was not living. I know he would not have been eligible for the proposed law (and rightfully so) due to the dementia, but I think those who would be in that horrible situation of being fully aware, in pain or suffering, deserve the option to go on their own terms.
My grandad was "ready to go" years before he finally did. He even expressed it to us as such.

Riddled with cancer, crippling arthritis, non-healing diabetic ulcers, incontinence and a very rapidly progressing dementia.

The final 2 years of his life he was kept alive, but he was not living. I know he would not have been eligible for the proposed law (and rightfully so) due to the dementia, but I think those who would be in that horrible situation of being fully aware, in pain or suffering, deserve the option to go on their own terms.
hence the need for a living will, so that people like your grandad who have a illness that would stop them from asking for it a a later date, can say "when i reach this stage, i no longer want to life"
The right result.
The electorate want it. It would be undemocratic to vote against.

Any break down of which parties voted for and against as a proportion?
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It's difficult to not be in favour of it. If it's against religious beliefs then all I an say is "you do you". Let everyone else have the decision available to them. Put lots of safeguards around the decision making.
It'd be great to pull the plug on your own terms. It's not that much different than how some people die end of life anyway. It can be rather barbaric to see your loved one have fluids turns off and they basically dehydrate until they die for example.
Elon Musk is for it it so that should be decision made. He's the joint president in 2025 :D
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I'm in favour, but I don't think the legislation will be enough, lawyers are going to be all over this, and eventually eligibility will be expanded.

Just hope we don't end up with the same situation as Canada.
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