See, you've said supercharger - are you in a Tesla? Or using a pleb car on open Tesla superchargers? Tesla are a massive outlier, because of both their charger/car/ecosystem integration, and the fact they generally install "proper" sites with multiple chargers. A lot of others are just one or two devices.What does good look like though?
I drove up to Scotland and back 2 weeks ago using the super charger network and of the 4 charging stops I made, 2 of them I was completely alone at both a 6 (open to all) and 8 stall location.
At the 16 stall location I visited on the way there and back there were 3-4 other cars on both occasions.
Edit: I don’t think we are at saturation on the rapid network yet, there are most definitely pinch points like the top of the M6 and the top half of the M25, but there also seems to be a lot of capacity going unused in other areas.