Ever check your Pollen Filter?

The pollen filter is an item which most garages neglect from what i've read!

I decided to have a look at mine the other day. The pictures speak for themselves :eek:




I originally thought that the dirty pollen filter might be Carbon Activated, as those are a black colour. But I can't seem to find any for sale. So I think it's just a disgusting old one :p

Have you still got a 306?
I didnt think they had them and hense i've never worried about it.
I checked mine when I bought my car, in the vent deep underneath there was what looked like a bit of polythene, I gave it a tug and pulled out an entire Tesco carrier bag from the vent - good job really !
Never ever thought about it until I saw this thread (always assumed it was to posh for a Vectra)

Car has done 95K & judging by the look it has never ever been changed :(

Local car spares has them for £10 so time for a change :cool:
I did mine on the RX8 about 3 weeks ago, it was disgusting really was... will post pictures later but as stated earlier, what makes me laugh is it's got full Mazda service history and yet these cabin filters looked like they've never been done in it's 50k life... air con running lovely now :-) And all for £6 quid off eBay...
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It's amazing how many people don't want their pollen filter changing during a service at work, most are still on the originals and clogged right up. Some are an utter pain to change though, mine isn't too bad, need to take the glove box out and you need a 5.5mm socket.

Mk2 Focus' aren't as nice, need to drop the fuse box and the fuse box bracket under the glove box!
Don't know if mine's ever been done on the ST, so just ordered one. Will post some pictures once it arrives.
It's amazing how many people don't want their pollen filter changing during a service at work, most are still on the originals and clogged right up. Some are an utter pain to change though, mine isn't too bad, need to take the glove box out and you need a 5.5mm socket.

Mk2 Focus' aren't as nice, need to drop the fuse box and the fuse box bracket under the glove box!

Mk2 focus, i remember my mates face at the garage when i asked him to do it.

My mk1 isnt brilliant, easy to change the filter but you then need to re-seal the scuttle panel or rain gets in.
I checked mine after this thread and was manky. I ordered a full set of filters for £24 for the Fiat, air, oil, fuel and cabin.

Bit annoyed as the independent I have used since quitting the dealer has obviously not changed it. I thought I will order the set just in case they have missed any others in servicing it. Will change the oil myself as well this time.

So easy to change as well. The little door for it is at the back of the glovebox.
I had mine replaced a few days ago when the car was serviced. I supplied it myself (cost something like £7) as I also supplied the oils, etc. I don't know what the old one looked like but I do know that the car had bad condensation issues which are completely gone away since it was replaced. The air also use to smell 'musky' but that's also gone.

Well worth doing.
Recently paid £6.00 for a pollen filter for my car (MK6 Fiesta) from Flea Bay and got round to fitting it today. I was quite surprised at just how easy it is to replace, was even more surprised to see there wasn't one in there to replace - just an empty gap where the filter should have gone! That'll explain the strange whistling sound my heater blower was making if number 3/4 was selected. :rolleyes:

So - there's no before / after pictures of my filter. But I still think it's well worth doing. Also, when I took the glove box completely out I found a few things left over that the previous owner of my car must have cramped in the glove box only to have it fall down the back next to the fuse box. Along with two tickets to see Aladdin at the SECC in Dec 2010 at £25.00 each and I also got a new CD:


I've now got a new coaster for my coffee cup :o
Just so you know, some cars have carbon pollen filters as an option

They look like this when they're new

did the pollen filter on the E36 today... it was manufacturered in 2001!!!!!! totally blocked

How long will it take me to change it? I've had one sitting around for a couple of months now but haven't been arsed to actually swap it. On an HVAC related note, my AC compressor decided to trash itself today with no warning at all. So much for running it all the time keeping it working nicely :/
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