Ever met anyone famous? Were they like what you expected?

I met Ken Livingstone on the tube and he was as vile as you would imagine. I knew Lord Attenborough for a while due to work, he was very charming and interesting and interested in others. I downed a pint of wine with Tim Burgess at a Charlatans gig during a song when I was about 15. I met Claudia Schiffer years ago and had a crush on her sister. I met Jim Bowen from Bullseye at a pub near Green Park and three of us ended up spending a couple of hours drinking with him, he was good fun. I met the Hoff at a work do once and he was pretty good at taking the mick out of himself, oh and Christopher Biggins the same night!
My cousin and God mother was married to Gordon Hill a Manchester United (no. 7) and England player back in the 70's. Stayed at their house numerous times and met a good few of the Man U players of that era. He was an cocky, arrogant git and never really liked him.

Met Lawrence Olivier, Susan George and Michael Cain when they were filming "The Jigsaw Man" at an old church near Shepperton Studios. Got all their autographs but Michael Cain tried to evade the horde of kids by dodging out the back way. We nobbled him while he was puffing away on a big cigar. All seemed very nice despite being hassled.

Watched Genesis (Phillips Collins) practising in an open studio at the back of Shepperton Studios. We bunked over a fence and just sat their watching them. Was too young to appreciate it though.

Spotted Robbie Coltrane once driving a Range Rover stuck at a junction. I waved and grinned at him and he grinned and waved back.

Was drinking in a pub in Walton one Monday afternoon with an ex we were the only ones in there except for 3 guys one of which was Mick Hucknall. When they left they got into a right heap of a car driven by one of his mates.

Saw Eddie Irvine quaffing Guinness on his tod in a bar in Antibes (S France) he looked *****d off but smiled when we acknowledged him.
Met Nicolas Anelka whilst working at Maine Road. Decent guy, nothing like the papers reported. Most of the City players actually sound guys.

Mike Summerbee, Les Chapman, Asa Hartford. Top guys.

Prince Naseem a few years back whilst watching the Ricky Hatton/Kostya Tzu fight. In a random bar in the middle of Florida. Posed for pics, autographs, just seemed a decent guy!
Almost met rory mcgrath apparently, I only saw the back of his head though and it was either him or colonel gadaffi.

Also at my old job I served a male I'm sure I'd seen somewhere before on tv or in a film. Still don't know who he was but there was just something that clicked in the back of my mind that he was famous.
Not the most famous in the world, however....

Linda Lusardi - early 90's

Had dinner with Nell McAndrew - early 00's
Met Phil Jupitus after a gig at The Comedy Store in Leicester Square, seemed ok but bit matter-of-fact and wanted to get home, not surprising I guess.

Met Adrian Morehouse (olympic swimmer from the 80's) and really nice guy.

Also met the guys from Switchfoot, true gents
Depends who or what you mean by celeb LOL.

I work as a photographer so do a lot of celeb meet and greets, some I wouldnt consider celebs myself.

Some include (going from childhood through to present day):

Mark McManus (original Taggart - was filming along from my primary school, took the afternoon off to go see him)

D:ream, 2 Unlimited (had a thing for Anita back in the day), Proclaimers, NDubz last year - Dappy is a really decent fella and my Mrs got her pic with Tulisa so was over the moon, most of the cast of Geordie Shore, Hollyoaks, Celeb Big Brother, Eastenders etc.

Most surprising one recently was Joel from G.Shore. A total dick on screen but a great guy in real life. Spent ages chatting with him and his crew then he did a "celeb DJ set" and I groaned only to be shocked again when he tore the place apart :O

Just goes to show...
I'm not a celebrity spotter, and honestly could walk past 90%+ of them and not recognise them, as I seldom watch tv series, and don't actively take an interest in gossip columns or sports stars or tv stars.

However, that said, I met Nick Ferrari who's a reporter and presenter on LBC (london radio station) at Brandshatch this weekend. I listen to him on the radio during my drive to work. He was very nice and down to earth - just "another guy" down a the track. I didn't particularly feel giddy with excitement or star struck - however it was nice to meet someone I have listened and agreed/disagreed with over the past 4-5 years. :)
Hmm, let me see now..

Kevin McKidd - Went to school with
Diane Youdell (Jet) - a lot shorter than expected.
Eric Clapton - shouldn't make bets with beefy
Dr Helen Sharman - First british astronaut
Kevin Nash - Not as big as I thought, very polite though.

Pretty sure there's been a good handful of other famous musicians too, but my brain is like a sieve..
Beat this, was at Gadget Show Live when we were running the OcUK stand (I'm enjoying this way too much :( )

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