Everquest combine progresive server beta

Meh, I can't get the testeverquest.exe to run :(

Just crashes as soon as it goes to launch the game, normal EQ launches fine. Didn't have much chance to have a fiddle with it before work so I'll try again tonight.
Boo Hoo :( I cannot get in

Anyone got a spare station account with the beta enabled want to lend me your login account til I get mine sorted?
Haly said:
You got an updated DX9.0c?
It needs the one from April installed otherwise it won't work.
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/default.mspx is the link.

Aye that fixed my first problem I had last night with the Direct X dll error. Now it goes to launch and just crashes.

I set a new full download off before I left for work so maybe that'll do it, of course that depends if it downloads at a reasonable speed which the EQ patcher never seems to do for me :p
wyrdo said:
Aye that fixed my first problem I had last night with the Direct X dll error. Now it goes to launch and just crashes.

I set a new full download off before I left for work so maybe that'll do it, of course that depends if it downloads at a reasonable speed which the EQ patcher never seems to do for me :p
I'm not sure then :( Not heard of that before. I'll keep an eye out though.

After this amount of problems in this thread, I'm starting to think I was incredibly lucky :eek:
Haly said:
I'm not sure then :( Not heard of that before. I'll keep an eye out though.

After this amount of problems in this thread, I'm starting to think I was incredibly lucky :eek:

I did a quick google for the error it gave me and there were some supposed fixes on the EQ forums that just didn't work for me, I've done all the normal stuff like re-installing drivers, direct x blah blah blah but I just didn't have time to mess with it properly before work today.

I've never had any problems like this with EQ in the past so it is rather annoying. I wanted to roll up my rogue!
Ukadder said:
Signed up both my accounts, none of mine have any active SoE subscriptions but I got into the beta with them both.

Now I'm trying to find my flipping EQ1 Origional CD! found every expansion CD so far..... :(

Hey ukadder, any chance I could use your spare account just for beta? I have emailed customer support, but it looks like at the least I would have to wait until tuesday until I would get a chance to sign up again!

By the way just go onto the eq website and download the patcher this will download the original files.

Just when I thought I'd escaped they release a server like this ! I played EQ on and off from the week it went live in America - nothing was a much fun as the couple of years when things took effort and every item was treasured.

I've raided at fairly high levels but endless cleric chains got old very quickly along with grinding 600+ AAs.

So the idea of being able to do 'meaningful' things with a single group or less looks good to me.
Fingers crossed it sorts it :)
Had a bit more of a play with my shaman earlier. I'm tempted when we go live to play a melee class instead, maybe a monk. Used to love the monk alt I played.
Haly said:
Fingers crossed it sorts it :)
Had a bit more of a play with my shaman earlier. I'm tempted when we go live to play a melee class instead, maybe a monk. Used to love the monk alt I played.

Monks were fun!

I remember taking my baby monk (mid 20's I think) got him a Sebilis key and the aim was to FD flop my way down to Trak's lair for a laugh.

I got past the Juggernauts outside his lair and a reet wizard spotted me, I flopped but he'd already cast so I got hit and then promptly squished hehe

I'm going from memory of quite a few years ago so the mob names may not be correct, though I think they're right. Reets were just before Trak?

I do still miss playing EQ but I just don't think it'll hold the same kind of magic as it used to for me, we shall see.
Lol :D
I used to have great fun with my monk, if I'd kept playing he'd have probably become my main I think.

I've found playing this beta has kept a fair bit of the magic going but I'll admit the exp grinding is feeling more of an effort than it used to be. I'm not sure if that's because my attention span is worse or what really :o

As always, if you get in with a decent group it's more fun. I've had some laughs with old friends so far at least.

When you do eventually get on, definitely post here with your name and we might be able to group or something :)
Ah well figured it out myself, just needed to launch normal EQ then copy the eqclient.ini into my test folder, seems it was having trouble during the generation of a new ini file /shrug

Up and running and Lamgwin is my rogue's name. Couldn't get two of the names I usually use :(
I'll keep an eye out for you :) Not on at the moment but should be once I get something sorted.
Damn sony, all I get is their generic response to my requests!! looks like im not getting in, and im trying to cancel my subscription but it says "I cannot modify my subscription until the account is closed" ??? whats all tha about?
Switched to a monk now, so I'm Mieka if you want to keep an eye out for me :) Mainly in Qeynos at the moment as I'm only level 6.
Sounds great, have dusted of my old CD's am installing now. Love the idea of starting off in EQ1 with no expansions. Jodie is well up for it too so i can see our WoW play time suffering a bit now :D.

Getting all nostalgic over my first ever char, a Dwarf Pally called Thorskin.


Asking for an account key for beta :(.
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Yep just spotted that, will have a quick go when i finally download all the updates just to see if its as good as i remember.

Is there any way of getting the updated files in a patch pack from a seperate server? Downloader is taking ages.
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