Evolve thread

I'm in a little predicament about control choices during this big Alpha access. It doesn't appear that you need precision aiming so I'm using a controller and seems to be fine to use but it's odd using a controller in a game where team work really counts.

Is there any merit to using KB+M?
Graphics look great I must say and it's running butter smooth on my 770 4GB plus I only have 8GB of RAM and that's with literally every setting at maximum.

There's a bit of a learning curve to this but it's fun. I just feel like it's very difficult to find the monster initially and when you do he's evolved and we all get pounded. Obviously playing more I'll understand more tactics but when that thing has evolved you can't even get close enough to lay traps to tie it down but when you do the bomb drops are great.

I don't really have any negatives yet apart from some seriously long waiting times between each match. I timed one at six minutes and I can't really see why it needs to take so long. Is it possibly intentional to give folks a break, because three hunters are killed and one escapes then the entire crew is redeployed if they make it through the drop timer. So games could last ages.
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...if you are a hunter with a bad medic or trapper you are screwed. Medic MUST use tranquilizer darts so you can catch up, and trapper to keep him in one spot. The other two are fairly straight forwards in terms of shoot and run. Once monster evolves you are pretty buggered if you haven't already got his health and armor down.

Monster protip: Sneak. Run in one direction then sneak off back on yourself and climb upwards. If you can get the hunters off your tail long enough to evolve once or twice then it's in the bag. And if daisy catches up with you take her down to prevent revives when you close it down.

Really good tips there. Thank you!

EDIT: After following the monster tips I managed to last 15 minutes as the monster and it was only my second attempt. I see why people think the maps are small but only really from a monsters perspective, as a hunter it takes forever to cross the terrain. Checking the map helps a lot as a monster, otherwise you end up running scared into a wall just a few hundered feet away.
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Really good tips there. Thank you!

EDIT: After following the monster tips I managed to last 15 minutes as the monster and it was only my second attempt. I see why people think the maps are small but only really from a monsters perspective, as a hunter it takes forever to cross the terrain. Checking the map helps a lot as a monster, otherwise you end up running scared into a wall just a few hundered feet away.

Happy to help. Sneaking means you don't leave tracks so it can buy you a lot of time. You can also send hunters running off in the wrong direction by intentionally leaving misleading tracks.

Monster is definitely the most fun to play imo. Really want to unlock the next one.
Had a go last night, left all graphics on default and as soon as the monster battle happened the game became unplayable. First time Ive had a game do it on this pc since I built it. This is a 2500k at 4.3ghz with a 7950 gfx card.
takes way too long to get into a game for it then to only last 5 mins... they really need to fix this else it will be the final nail in the coffin.

the game is visually stunning but like others have said i have concerns about the replayability of this one
My initial thoughts:

- For a Cooperative focused game the lack of attention to matchmaking with friends, even in Alpha stage, is inexcusable

- Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading, Loading....Spend more time loading than playing.

- Runs like trash. I suspect this may be negative SLI scaling however. 0% GPU usage on second card. Sub 40 FPS on 2 x 780Tis and a 4.6Ghz clocked Haswell i7. Not only was the frame rate absolutely dire but the freezing and huge FPS variance makes the game highly unplayable.

- Very little overall depth at this stage, if it's not expanded upon for final release they are going to have issues selling this.

- Is that a 60FPS cap I see? ARE YOU FOR REAL?! Trashy development and an INSTANT no buy if the game retails with a 60 FPS cap.
- Is that a 60FPS cap I see? ARE YOU FOR REAL?! Trashy development and an INSTANT no buy if the game retails with a 60 FPS cap.

Oh the HUGEMANATEE! Save your outrage for the release :P

How are people getting games that last 5 minutes? Quickest one that I've had was like 14 minutes or around there. Hopefully they can streamline or speed up the whole joining process to reduce waiting but I guess it's alright for alpha/beta so far.

Obviously they'll need to add a bit more variety to map styles/game modes or whatever and more hunters/weapons etc but it has potential for me :)
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Oh the HUGEMANATEE! Save your outrage for the release :P

If the Alpha is already capped at a ridiculous console scrub 60FPS then that does not bode well for a polished PC product.

"Press A to start" was another fantastic sign of things to come!

A majority of our games last night lasted less than 3 minutes.
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