Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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What's the worst case senario?

We al get to go to Sunday School, have to change the textbooks to remove evolution, women get banned from anything (Arlene doesn't count), we all have to fit wood burners so the DUP can sell us more pellets for free......, gays all have to enter re-education programs, Catholic get to enter a hunger games style event to decide who gets burned at the stake this week, no cakes for the gayers, and Jim Wells gets to speak in public again.
no, she requires a majority to vote her way, which is unlikely to happen ever, plenty on her own side don't like her manifesto its to right to authoritarian. she pandered to much to ukip and to much to the tory hard liners, she ignored everyone else, while on her power grab.

And lets be honest, no Tory voters are going to be upset if this manifesto finds its way into the bin.
As a minority gov can she now implement what was in the manifesto, at will?

There is going to be a lot of over 50s not to happy about it imo, also the whole manifest was pulled out her arse and uncosted and had multiple u-turns, how can she be allowed to implement it?

No, it will be even harder for her to implement anything
No one to blame other than May

all she had to do was throw us a frickin bone
48% didnt want brexit, a large proportion of those, including myself. accept the result - "ok lets get on with it"
she then panders to the Scorzas to burn all bridges and conduct brexit in the most hostile way possile

maybe just turn it down a bit? maybe appeal to more than just ukippers
offer nothing other than a continually bleak future for young people and then act suprised when they vote against you

im all for a bit of realism in your manafesto but - "when you get old and ill we gon take yo monays after you die" isnt a positive inspiring votewinner

Davy C made them more electable by turning down the mouth foaming, and being a bit more reasonable, even then it was as a coalition or barely a majority

exactly this. May went full I am in charge Phasma retard mode, she needed Han Solo to tell her to bring it down

So seemingly DUP have claimed there has been discussions yet no formal agreements. Why is May telling the queen they're ready to form a government then?

Because the HoC motion isn't until 10 days time so basically she had some time to sort some things out, if it hasn't come together by then then she wont get a motion to form the queens speech.
All the heat in the Brexit argument is caused by the nutters on each side (and the right wing press in this country) having a constant whine and dig at each other
See the "100bn divorice bill"

"they could make us pay loads"
"yes we could"
"ooh see they are going to make pay loads"

constantly asking the angriest idiots on each side what they think of this weeks insult about them from the other side does not lead to senisble outcomes

its a self defeating spiral of nonsence, it has nothing to do with the actual negotiations, its shooting down the plane before it even takes off
(the point being for the mail / ukippers that they dont actually want a deal anyway)
This is the fear of several of my NI friends. Its a bit of a nightmare with the DUP seemingly having power above the Northern Ireland Assembly

Yep. When you think about it, because of the bubble of N Ireland, you really need the UK govt to be the impartial party with no vested interest in either side. This completely changes things.
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