Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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24 Dec 2005
Gets them?
Ha string them along, the nievity of these so called intelligent graduates falling for the regurgitated crap from the 70's is hilarious.
If it wasn't for fact how dangerous his ideas were, I would vote labour myself just so they experience the disaster themselves

So you are basically calling anyone who voted Labour Naive?

Free tuition? Students are fickle, they'll ditch their so called moral high ground for monetary gain at the click of the fingers.

This post is utter rubbish. When will you get it into your heads that it wasnt just the Tfees that got the increase in the labour vote.

I'm blaming all voters, not just students. Voters are responsible for the outcome of the elections, not parties or individual mps, as it is the individual voters that make the choices.

Students (or more accurately, the youth vote, not all of them are students) were part of that change that wasn't predicted, but it is not just the youth vote that fell for a unimplementable populist manifesto on one hand and a terrible campaign on the other.

Your arrogance over the young and not giving them any credit for lucid voting is a joke. You really need to stop using the young as an excuse for the lightbulb going off and the tory party finally getting their comeuppance.
24 Dec 2005
Manifestos influence voters, but voters can only ever be the people responsible for their vote.

My views on the campaign are already out there, you will not find me arguing that the conservatives ran a good campaign, or indeed that corbyn ran a bad campaign. The problem I have was with the deliverability of Labour's manifesto, not the politics of it.

And thats why you voted Tory

I didn't so that why I voted labour.

Get over it.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
And thats why you voted Tory

I didn't so that why I voted labour.

Get over it.

Actually, I voted Tory because I liked our local MP, who sadly lost this time (I'm in Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport). The Tory campaign was bad enough that I wouldn't have done if the sitting MP had been terrible.
18 Oct 2012
Your arrogance over the young and not giving them any credit for lucid voting is a joke. You really need to stop using the young as an excuse for the lightbulb going off and the tory party finally getting their comeuppance.

you'd think they'd realising patronising the youth only works for so long, dolph is calling labours financial plans unrealistic and just glossing over may's totalitarian and un-feasible internet censorship plans.
21 Jul 2012
You cant blame young voters for the Brexit mess, thats solely on the shoulders of leave voters. You cant blame them for the bad leadership of the Tories or their awful manifesto either.
I'm not blaming anyone .. I'm saying they voted for a pro BREXIT party, despite voting against BREXIT in the referendum.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
The youth vote is so much more complicated than just a single issue.
Absolutely. Tuition fees being one of the biggest issues though. Not only that but the youth vote is relatively stupid and I mean that in an absolutely non offensive way. Their vote is generally tribal based. They'll chant whatever their mates are chanting and their overall experience of the world and it's issues are generally limited. This is why any party can quite easily appeal to them. Look at how they flocked to Labour when they stuck a guy at the helm who was depicted as being hip and down with the kids.

Populist politics. It's almost as cringe worthy as "I'm a celebrity".
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
So you are basically calling anyone who voted Labour Naive?

This post is utter rubbish. When will you get it into your heads that it wasnt just the Tfees that got the increase in the labour vote.

Also, after a few days of the tories winning, I'm still yet to see where they "got their commupenexe

Your arrogance over the young and not giving them any credit for lucid voting is a joke. You really need to stop using the young as an excuse for the lightbulb going off and the tory party finally getting their comeuppance.
Calm down princess, your panties appear to have become rather twisted.

Also, after a few days of them winning, I'm yet to see exactly where the tory party got their comeuppance?
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
you'd think they'd realising patronising the youth only works for so long, dolph is calling labours financial plans unrealistic and just glossing over may's totalitarian and un-feasible internet censorship plans.

The internet plans are probably flawed and unworkable, but so is the idea that the internet should be lawless.

Pointing out flaws in critical thinking due to lack of evidence isn't patronising. Tuition fees are a consequence of increasing participation rates and broadening course options. Now, there is certainly scope to discuss alternative solutions, but to pretend they are the result of evil or malice is simply not true.
19 Feb 2007
Owen Jones is on SKY news now, being a shouty look at me boo hoo ****, like he was on the BBC yesterday and every other time he is on TV. He has got an equal though facing him.

He needs to stop shouting people down, it isn't his views that are the problem easyrider.
10 Aug 2006
bitter about what? i was bloody 7 when that video was filmed.

I had far more pressing concerns at that age than politics.

Firstly, nobody asked you to personally review the video. You responded with quite a negative tone about the video being long and that I was whinging. I said if you were at all interested, there was a time stamp of 8:59 to watch from to see the point I was making, if you were at all interested, which you clearly weren't. In reference to whinging, I would say there is is one whinger here and it clearly is not me. You have a choice not to engage with what I posted about the video but you have decided to have a whinge about the length of the video and that it was 20 years ago and essentially unimportant to you as you were 7 then. Other people have appreciated the video, move on.
23 Apr 2014
Absolutely. Tuition fees being one of the biggest issues though. Not only that but the youth vote is relatively stupid and I mean that in an absolutely non offensive way. Their vote is generally tribal based. They'll chant whatever their mates are chanting and their overall experience of the world and it's issues are generally limited. This is why any party can quite easily appeal to them. Look at how they flocked to Labour when they stuck a guy at the helm who was depicted as being hip and down with the kids.

Populist politics. It's almost as cringe worthy as "I'm a celebrity".

Like all leave voters are racist.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
So, it's wrong for the young to vote for hope. How utterly cynical of some people on this forum.

(I'm not saying they were right to vote for Corbyn.)

It's not wrong, but hope can be exploited if not tempered by reality and clear thought.

Corbyn offered people a unicorn, he took advantage of that hope.
6 Sep 2011
The people on this forum trying to decipher the youth vote and complaining about it is despicable and hugely patronising. Just because tuition fees was a factor in voting for labour doesn't mean it was the only issue.

You moan when they didn't vote and now moan when they did.

What you may as well be saying to them is... Dont vote unless you vote for the party that we want you to vote for.

And stop acting like they are the only people that voted for them. There are plenty of ex conservative voters on this forum.
5 Apr 2009
Here's a thought... maybe they just didn't like Conservative policies?

As shocking as that might be to some on here, not everyone thinks they're the holy grail of politics.
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