Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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18 Feb 2006
The internet plans are probably flawed and unworkable, but so is the idea that the internet should be lawless.

Pointing out flaws in critical thinking due to lack of evidence isn't patronising. Tuition fees are a consequence of increasing participation rates and broadening course options. Now, there is certainly scope to discuss alternative solutions, but to pretend they are the result of evil or malice is simply not true.

The internet isn't lawless. But the law of the land isn't just from local governments. It is a global, community driven network. One that is built up from trust and global collaboration. Unilateral changes or going against the grain of this community will only end up making us all worse off in many ways. Unfortunately, the conservatives still do not understand this.
12 Nov 2015
It's not wrong, but hope can be exploited if not tempered by reality and clear thought.

Corbyn offered people a unicorn, he took advantage of that hope.

Yes the creation of the NHS, comprehensive education and welfare/worker reforms were also Unicorns in post war Britain (that the follow on Conservative government largely continued).
24 Dec 2005
Here's a thought... maybe they just didn't like Conservative policies?

As shocking as that might be to some on here, not everyone thinks they're the holy grail of politics.

Exactly....Tory politicians not even knowing what the minimum wage is lol

It's laughable...

Now unicorns are being used to defend the Tory ideology

Comedy gold :p
22 Feb 2010
Absolutely. Tuition fees being one of the biggest issues though. Not only that but the youth vote is relatively stupid and I mean that in an absolutely non offensive way. Their vote is generally tribal based. They'll chant whatever their mates are chanting and their overall experience of the world and it's issues are generally limited. This is why any party can quite easily appeal to them. Look at how they flocked to Labour when they stuck a guy at the helm who was depicted as being hip and down with the kids.

Populist politics. It's almost as cringe worthy as "I'm a celebrity".

After generally thinking you were a reasonable poster on here - im getting more and more disappointed by each of your posts

You are suffering from the same problem as many people I have met who are forces / ex forces - in that you all read the sun, and daily mail, and have a very silly view of students, young people and the left
It must be indoctrinated in you all or something? I always find it a pleasant surprise when forces people hold any other view than the standard issue one, but alas
Im not a usual labour supporter or a particular Corbyn fan, but this kind of nonsense is why TM just got embarrassed so badly
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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Yes the creation of the NHS, comprehensive education and welfare/worker reforms were also Unicorns in post war Britain (that the follow on Conservative government largely continued).

And we're all achieved while running a surplus, not while borrowing more money...
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
While I agree that Corbyn has done fairly well, against all the odds (newspaper coverage included), I do wonder if people are not considering how strong the tactical voting in this election may have been. Votes for independents and the smaller parties were by and large wiped out in a lot of places. How much of that is people getting behind Labour as the only viable option to stop the Conservatives staying in power? Whether that was because of their Brexit view, Mays authoritarian streak or something else I don't know, but this section in general had a very different "spread" to others.

I don't think you can compare the situation now with before the election.

As if to underline my point, the polls today...


Before the election people might have voted tactically to stop the Conservative because they though no one else had a chance of winning. Now they're going to vote Labour be they believe they can win... and the Tories have shown themselves to be complete inept, and a complete disregard for electorate with vague manifestos, meaningless soundbites and a god given right to govern attitude.

I honestly believe the Corbyn manifesto is what the majority of people now want in this country, weather you agree with it or not.

Hardly they couldn't beat the Tories who ran the most toxic campaigns with mind boggling stupid social tax ideas in an actual manifesto. In fact I think the Tories actual wanted to lose so they didn't have to reside over brexit it was that bad.
All the new younger voters still couldn't help him across the line.

New Tory leader will bury him next time (October)

Who is this new Tory leader who can wash the toxins off. All the big hitters are tainted. Boris, Gove, Davis, Rudd?

They are all loathed by a considerable portion on the electorate.

Hammond has sensibly distanced himself from the election, his also much more pragmatic and appealing to the centre ground, but he's not exactly Mr charisma. Very much from the John Major mould .
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