Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Listen, and understand. The Conservatives are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And They absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
Lol :D
Lol, DUP type up a statement, print it out and photograph it in order to publish on Twitter :D

Fact is that Corbyn simply didn't win enough seats for power. Biased media or not. He has no claim to power right now. He might have political momentum, but the decision to call an election isn't his.

The conservatives have the right to rule for the meantime. Yes, it might turn out to not work with the slender majority even with DUP support, but that's what the situation is, so they need to give it their best shot.
Listen, and understand. The Conservatives are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And They absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

I'm stealing this for Facebook :p
Uhm - Labour lost yet another election? Why did Corbyn's Shadow Chancellor say Corbyn would have to stand down if he lost the election? Did he ever have any intention of keeping that promise?

Who promised Corybn would step down if he lost the election? Was it Corbyn? If not I don't see the relevance of a comment from McDonnell given at a time when they thought they would be thrashed. Clearly Corbyn knew better as he said no such thing.

Again you fail to understand context. Labour were coming from a position of a 20+ points deficit, they were expected to lose over 100 seats and instead gained 30 which included some at the very deepest of Conservative heartland. Did they win this election? No, but from the position that started in they absolutely smashed it. Has any other party in the last 50 years turned a percentage deficit round so spectacularly in only 8 weeks?

Contrast that to the Conservatives who only had to turn up to run away with it but somehow managed to do so badly that even Canterbury, a constituency in Conservative control for over 100 years, told them to "do one!".

Of course you know all that but you bang this drum because you fear Corbyns appeal, its only natural you would want rid of him.
Alt Right Propaganda Machine
Forum Protocol

1. Find and post rubbish link
2a. Misinterpret all information and data from said link, or
2b. Argue it's relevance in the face of all evidence to the contrary
3. Ignore any posts which are irrefutable
4. Go to 1.
What is it they say about people who live in glass houses? :D

Probably that they get really warm in the summer and would be better off using a different material. Glass houses would be better suited to growing plants. In fact, I think some people already do this and call them greenhouses because plants are green.
Who promised Corybn would step down if he lost the election? Was it Corbyn? If not I don't see the relevance of a comment from McDonnell given at a time when they thought they would be thrashed. Clearly Corbyn knew better as he said no such thing.

Again you fail to understand context. Labour were coming from a position of a 20+ points deficit, they were expected to lose over 100 seats and instead gained 30 which included some at the very deepest of Conservative heartland. Did they win this election? No, but from the position that started in they absolutely smashed it. Has any other party in the last 50 years turned a percentage deficit round so spectacularly in only 8 weeks?
There we are - straight from the mouth of a Corbyn supporter; promises don't count if the context they were made under has changed.
so they need to give it their best shot.

Only if they want to lose the election which is almost certainly going to happen this year.
What they should do is go we messed up, find a new leader, say for the good of the country we will work cross party and their will be an autumn election. ATM they are getting slaughtered in the polls due to them carrying on as if nothings changed.
TM said she needed a large majority to negotiate Brexit. Maybe we should call it off?
I thought it was "required" to negotiate without pandering to the whims of the likes of David Davis. So maybe a "hard Brexit" is now more likely. I don't know, I'm confused about this whole situation now. :(
Probably that they get really warm in the summer and would be better off using a different material. Glass houses would be better suited to growing plants. In fact, I think some people already do this and call them greenhouses because plants are green.
Genuinely can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not (given your post history, you're probably not). The well-known saying is; people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
If there was even more proof that education needs investment... Just look at scorzas posts.

How does scorza remain year after year?

I'm surprised people even bother to engage with him anymore. He repeatedly posts nothing but utter nonsense, fills said posts with propagandist statements and phrases which would make Daily Mail headlines seem measured by comparison, and the lengths he will go to to defend even the most objective stupidity and hypocrisy of those he supports smacks of the delusional (see: anything he posts in the Trump thread).

And yet when others point out how fallacious, hypocritical, or just downright wrong any of his statements are, he just deflects or ignores the rebuttal and moves onto something else. I honestly think he's just an elaborate troll.
TM said she needed a large majority to negotiate Brexit. Maybe we should call it off?
She spent £100m of public money on this election and came out with a worse result than the situation she was in previously. Sounds like just the sort of person we want heading up Brexit.
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