Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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It might have burnt the goatskin parchment.......

don't forget your goatskins, even pep streebeck knew this

Stop trolling, holy ****. COBRA isnt required whatsoever, she has the responsibility to 65 million people and although it might be prudent for her under different circumstances, now is not the time.

Fair enough about smiling in front of cameras however, she could easily incorporate some level of official "sadness" into her demeanor however.
Calm down for goodness sake! You know COBRA stands for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A? It's just a meeting room used by senior ministers in the event of a major incident, which this fire is.
O'brien is not everyones cup of tea but he makes some valid points in this clip

Bang on.

I've been saying since this mess started - we need common sense, logic, science, economics to make decisions, not votes from people who don't know what they are voting for.

Not harped up 'patriotic' nonsense that's so misled everyone - it was so obviously lies, and I (along with millions of others) were banging on about the rights delusional nonsense, shocked how no one could see through the drivel from torys, ukip etc

At what point is 'I told you so' appropriate ?

Because he's right - it's not funny, I didn't want this - I never wanted this, I saw it coming a mile off yet I'm gonna get dragged down as well if it gets further messed up.

Can't we just put all the idiots in one place, let them govern themselves, and the rest of us, with our heads screwed on can stay in the EU, get Corbyn in - and get some humanity back into society.
One Marxist applauding another Marxist, quell surprise

As ever from the 'other side' - words, that mean totally nothing, at all.

How about discussing plans to solve this countries problems, rather than throwing money at rich people, and taking it away from poor people.

Taxing richer people is obvious - calling people marxist saying that, is, the definition of pointless racket.

Meh who cares, tax the billionares already !!!!!!!! Bring up living standards for all humans!!

Not a difficult concept ! lol
Give Corbyn a shot I say, if he fails well then you can say I told you so. I've lost all confidence in the Tories.

THIS - we've tried the way of austerity - tory - blairs tory-lite methods for 17 years or more - its destroyed so much, lets see if the other way works ??? Worth a shot? Then the righty nutters can have their nuclear war they so want if they like?! lol
THIS - we've tried the way of austerity - tory - blairs tory-lite methods for 17 years or more - its destroyed so much, lets see if the other way works ??? Worth a shot? Then the righty nutters can have their nuclear war they so want if they like?! lol
We've tried Corbyn's brand of socialism before too, we ended up with the country going bankrupt and an IMF bailout. Corbyn has previously praised the regime in Venezuela, would love to hear his thoughts on what's gone wrong there and how he would avoid it happening here when he becomes PM.
Give Corbyn a shot I say, if he fails well then you can say I told you so.

No thanks, we already tried that with Gordon Brown and looked what happened, fool me once and all that....

We've tried Corbyn's brand of socialism before too, we ended up with the country going bankrupt and an IMF bailout. Corbyn has previously praised the regime in Venezuela, would love to hear his thoughts on what's gone wrong there and how he would avoid it happening here when he becomes PM.

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