As we set out at the beginning of the talks, we share many values in terms of wanting to see prosperity across the UK, the value of the union, the important bond between the different parts of the United Kingdom.
We very much want to see that protected and enhanced and we also share the desire to ensure a strong government, able to put through its programme and provide for issues like the Brexit negotiations, but also national security issues.
So the agreement we have come to is a very, very good one, and look forward to working with you.
Does that mean they need to find billions for the other home nations?
So £1bn?
Where did this magic money tree come from? Making a deal with bunch of terrorists...
isnt trident renewal based on the suibs, theres no upgrade to the missiles.
we could continue to operate our current subs for ages just they may be vulnerable to more advanced followers.
could bury the missiles ina feild in scotland if you liked
Now imagine if Jeremy Corbyn made a deal with DUP...
Now let that sink in for a moment.
Now imagine if Jeremy Corbyn made a deal with DUP...
Now let that sink in for a moment.
It basally is, DUP votes with the tories and they got a say on policies, who knows what else they will demand in futureThey told me if I voted Labour I'd get a coalition* of chaos with terrorist sympathisers and that's exactly what happened!
*Yes, I know it's not a coalition.
It actually works out to be an extra £4,936 per person who voted DUP. That's a lot per vote. It would be much simpler and the Tories could have a majority if they promised everybody who voted Tory an extra £4,936. Oh wait, thats illegal and they can't.