So the pressure seems to be mounting for another Theresa U turn, this time on public sector pay. Even from Boris and Gove who very recently voted against getting rid of the 1% cap! So let's look at what tomorrow's papers have to say on the subject:
"The Daily Mirror pulls out quotes by Prime Minister Theresa May, in which she has demonstrated gratitude to the emergency services of late. It calls on her to now raise public sector pay above the current 1% cap."
"The Times leads with how ministers are calling for planned tax cuts to be dropped or delayed, so as to fund a rise in public sector pay."
"The Guardian also covers this story, stating that according to a new report, a "decade of public sector salary freezes" has negatively affected the pay packets of teachers and police officers."
But what about the headlines of the right wing triumvirate, the Daily Mail, Sun and Express?
The Daily Mail goes after the NHS with an alleged exclusive about an issue from the 70s and 80s "NHS TAINTED BLOOD SHAME"
The Sun's goes after "bungling court staff" with a story about "a man sentenced to nine years in prison for knife crime was released after nine months because of an error by court staff."
And (my personal favourite) the Daily Express leads with a typical deflection piece about the weather "91F BLAST OF HEAT ON WAY". They've even used Fahrenheit in the headline for their readers that are still fighting against Centigrade, decimalisation etc.