F1 2009 Season discussion/development thread

That Lee McKenzie is a dangerous google images search!

I did a quick google.
Lots of pics came up about some porn actress called McKenzie Lee, who of course had all the "tools" of the trade. I thought, "Right, so they're resorting to hiring porn actresses to present TV. The Coulthard/Button interviews should be interesting, as they will probably forget what day of the week it is."

It then dawned on me that this was not the same person and when I managed to find a picture of the Lee McKenzie being talked about in this thread, I was most dissapointed.

Perhaps in London, women are better looking, but Lee McKenzie isnt all that. You see better looking women on the street, down here.

The line-up looks OK, tbh. As somebody earlier commented - no advert breaks and new rules, should make things a little bit exciting. I still see most of the excitement coming from Hamilton though, as Ferrari and McLaren will still be the team to beat, with perhaps Renault/Alonso, maybe able to join them.
Pity she's a bloomin' useless presenter. She gets nervous and makes mistakes presenting the bowls on BBC (don't ask!), what on earth is she going to be like interviewing F1 drivers?!

Glad Ted is being kept on. Really didn't mind the guy, and he at least had the whatnots to ask questions others wouldn't.

She did a pretty decent job for the first 3 seasons of A1GP.
All good apart from Jake Humphrey...he irritated me no end during the Olympics coverage this summer.
All good apart from Jake Humphrey...he irritated me no end during the Olympics coverage this summer.

He should stick to children's TV, because he is too young to have the impact with people in F1 compared to Jim Rosenthal or Steve Rider. I can't see Bernie taking any notice of him walking around the paddock, or interviewing drivers he is younger than.
I don't agree. Every time I see Bernie interviewed he comes across as candid, funny and interesting. Far more charismatic that many in F1, that's for sure.
This is very true. I disagree with his political views and general attitude to his sport, but I bet he'd be a great person to have to dinner.
Steve Rider has the charisma of a washing machine.
That is so, so unfair to washing machines :mad:

I think that David Coulthard and Eddie Jordan are not really the right people to have commentating on F1, both are too opinionated and the former hasn't been out of the sport long enough; Jonathan Legard, I don't really have an opinion on; Martin Brundle has proven to be good over the past few years.

How can the BBC restrict Murray Walker to the Sport website? Are they mad? Never again will we be able to hear his wild excitement and complete mis-reading of events on the track :D
I think DC and Jordan are there for their 'expert opinion'.

Ok Jordan has been out of the business for some time now, but he's a likeable fella, and I think his opinions will be worth of hearing.
She did a pretty decent job for the first 3 seasons of A1GP.

Hmm, depends entirely on what you call "decent". By no means is she the worst, but I don't think she has what's needed for F1. Most of her stuff for A1 is scripted too. If you listen to her live interviews, they're not all that great.
Sacrilege I know, but I reckon I must be one of the few people in this country who doesn't rate Murray that high. I'm sure folk look back on him with rose-tinted spectacles, yet if James Allen did as many gaffs the poor bloke gets lynched.
I'm going to guess you never heard Murray Walker and James Hunt commentating ? Pure, solid 100% comedy gold :D

As to his grasp of F1, you're right, he was out of touch for years - other than gossip. However, that is why he was supported by people who knew what they were talking about. Murray Walker was just so sincere and enthusiastic about F1; a bit like Lineker, Shearer and Hansen about football on MOTD.
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