F1 2009 Season discussion/development thread

STR did bugger all to deserve there rise other than inheriting the ferrari power plant. We did all the development work on their car,all the updates and all the aero. The differnces were the engine and Vettel.

Are you suggesting that the drivers who drove for you in 2008, one of whom [Webber] is still contracted to drive for you in 2009, are crap?
Webber isn't crap, he's just being punished for spending his life breaking mirrors, walking under ladders and having black cats get in his way. I think that's it anyway, there's no other explanation.
I just wanted to see how CSIlNuts was going to get out of that one. ;)
Afterall, he cant be seen/heard slating his own drivers...can he?

I've never rated Webber highly, but Coulthard was a mobile disaster on the track. At some point I was thinking that he was out to break the record for being involved in the most accidents in a single season.
Are you suggesting that the drivers who drove for you in 2008, one of whom [Webber] is still contracted to drive for you in 2009, are crap?

Webber has had the benefit of being pushed by a driver who is at the end of his career. In my and a few other nameless peoples opinions Webber is no more than a support driver. There,happy?

Vettel WILL make Mark Webber look ordinary dare i say Button like. The leg break could not have come at a better time in my opinion. Make of that what you will.

Any other questions send them to my email as im off to Jerez,enjoy the weather!
Surely the new scoring system will just encourage team tactics even more?

Several races in if Massa has won 3 races and Raikonnen none and Massa is in 2nd position behind Raikonnen it's pretty obvious what will happen isn't it?
I'm still trying to think through this 'proposal' rationally but for drivers in cars that finish (just) outside of a podium will they not be rewarded = less motivated. The playing field in F1 is not level.
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I just read this whole thread and I going to try and watch a few races and might even try to go watch one next year....

new cars look good
Bernie's totally lost the plot this time.

As mentioned on the Autosport site, if his "medal" system had been in force this year, Massa would have won the championship.

The problem here is that he'd have won due to the idiotic decision of the stewards at Spa, their decision effectively deciding the world championship in his favour.

Can you imagine the outcry and damage to the sport this would have caused!?
As a demonstration of how stupid Bernie's system is, the tremendous 2003 season which went down to the final race of the year would've been done and dusted by the Hungarian GP if medals were in place.

All this is basically doing is making it highly likely the championship will not get to the final race of the season. Something which was a reason for implementing the 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 points system in the first place. Also, the idea that all the teams are behind it is absurd, why would anyone outside of the top 3 teams want this system? It completely screws them over.
Stupid idea.

They need to give a point for qualifying on pole and for the fastest lap during the race.
there needs to be more of bonus for wining the race ie 15pts win and 10 for 2nd 7 for 3rd
then 5/3/2/1

Exactly what they decided to get away from due to Michael Schumacher. Its impossible to say this year because of all the changes but imagine if McLaren come out with a vastly superior package and the Championship is decided midway through the season. Its not going to be much fun for anyone else.
Absolutely stupid idea - but you know what, thats exactly why it WILL be implemented in the near future

a lot less likely that wins will be shared by team-mates, 2nd driver will have a lot less incintive to push, and even Constructors championship would be known relatively early in the season (without major technical DNF's)

I thought Bernie didnt want McLaren/Hamilton to win the DWC but this is pretty extreme
Stupid idea, surely they would just go all out to win every other race with a super tuned engine or something?
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