F1 2009 Season discussion/development thread


WHAT!??!! They havent even got Planning Permission yet! Not a chance can they build a track in a year, but it wont matter anyway, some local old fogies will complain there will be too much noise so they wont get planning.

No British GP from 2010 then....
no suprise there then. Bernie and his games fail again.

If they do get permission, I cant see them getting all the work done in that time. Not a chance.
no suprise there then. Bernie and his games fail again.

If they do get permission, I cant see them getting all the work done in that time. Not a chance.

I hope they dont get it, as atleast then they will just rob us of a GP, whereas if they do get it, the entire country will be embarressed as they have to cancel the Brisith GP becuase the track isnt layed and the buildings are done...
I hope they dont get it, as atleast then they will just rob us of a GP, whereas if they do get it, the entire country will be embarressed as they have to cancel the Brisith GP becuase the track isnt layed and the buildings are done...

Need the team in that rebuilt Indianapolis within months,anyone see that on discovery?
To be fair, there's probably a many out-of-work builders at the moment, so finding a large workforce to pull off such a task shouldn't be impossible. How long can a paddock building take to complete, really?
Specifically, what is Max proposing?

My understanding is that he would like everyone to run (near) identical engines and gearboxes.

What else? Give a list please.

Things Max has proposed making standard over the last couple of years:

Much of the car aerodynamic surfaces
Engine + engine electronics
Gearbox + gearbox electronics

See this pitpass article for my source for that.

Things Max thinks the teams should develop themselves:


I forget which thread it's in, but Max wanting KERS units to be developed by individual teams was discussed on here before.

I came on here because of that quote (well on itv-f1) - what a complete ***** Bernie is, He doesnt slate McLaren or Ferrari for spending £200 - £300m a year but he slates Honda for spending £100m more to attempt to get upto their level while building extensively new wind tunnels/ fluid dynamics departments etc etc

and dont forget Ferrari for years was spending a hell of a lot more than that, because they where effectively not paying for MS at all according to their books, and his £100m/season was being paid for elsewhere, but of course Bernie says nothing at all about that

He should be praising them for trying - even though they ultimately failed

Im sorry that kind of statement does no good to anyone, Ive never liked the guy and I think he is as trustworthy as a £15 note - but that brings him to a new low even for him

I was really hoping a few years ago all the manufacturers and real racing teams like Williams and Red Bull (without and of the junior team horse ****) would tell him where to go and leave him twisting in the wind, its never going to happen now with the economic climate as no-one can afford to set up a new racing league ......sorry really had to get that off my chest, he really annoys me so much (between him and MM , they are the REAL problem with F1 - even if BE owns the economic rights to the name)
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The Times made a reasonably sensible point re: Honda and spending - they spent the entire 2007 season with no sponsor logos on the car. How much did that cost them? I know they did have sponsors, but I'd be willing to bet they weren't paying anything like as much as they would if they had space on the car to advertise their brands....

And for what? An environmental message that most people didn't give a **** about.

Now they've got to pay out an absolute fortune if they can't sell the team and entry to someone else with all those employees being made redundant. It'll cost them ~£100m if they can't find a buyer.
The Times made a reasonably sensible point re: Honda and spending - they spent the entire 2007 season with no sponsor logos on the car. How much did that cost them? I know they did have sponsors, but I'd be willing to bet they weren't paying anything like as much as they would if they had space on the car to advertise their brands....

And for what? An environmental message that most people didn't give a **** about.

Now they've got to pay out an absolute fortune if they can't sell the team and entry to someone else with all those employees being made redundant. It'll cost them ~£100m if they can't find a buyer.

And it would have only cost them to £40mil to run the team as is for next year with no new development.
The Times made a reasonably sensible point re: Honda and spending - they spent the entire 2007 season with no sponsor logos on the car. How much did that cost them? I know they did have sponsors, but I'd be willing to bet they weren't paying anything like as much as they would if they had space on the car to advertise their brands....

And for what? An environmental message that most people didn't give a **** about.

No point at all as far as I can see - the sponsers paid as much as htey wanted to, which gets you this kind of space on overalls/race suits etc - so you want Honda to give out premium space for a lot less huh, ummmm nooo thats not how a business work - then last year the same sponsors would expect car prices to be vagually the same which would lose Honda huge amounts of money

The environmental message was horrible to look at and a little silly, Im not disputing that, but I do dispute that Honda did the wrong thing and that sponsors would automatically pay out more months after their advertising budgets have been set)
And for what? An environmental message that most people didn't give a **** about.
Perhaps Honda were responding to a perceived concern that they felt would differentiate them from the other major motor manufacturers?

Still, I guess that Honda should have consulted marketing specialists and they would have realised, as you have, that most people don't give a **** about the environment :p

Maybe I wasn't clear (or I could just be reading your response wrong).

The point was this - sponsors will pay a premium to have their name shown prominently. The most prominent spot would be on the car. Any sponsor dealing with Honda in '07 wouldn't get on the car thanks to that environmental message (masterminded by the guy that brought you Spice Girls, S Club 7 and created the format for that retarded Pop Idol TV show oh joy of joys....). So Honda would have been running the '07 campaign with a lot less income than the previous year.

And after the season they had in '07, how many sponsors d'you think were clamouring to plaster their name all over the next Honda F1 car? And of those that were willing, how much do we think they'd pay for those spots on the car? More money than they would have at the end of the 2006 season, which saw them get a win and a reasonably healthy points haul? Or rather less, given how 2007 saw them score a grand total of six points?
Radio1 news (not the most reliable source, I know) have just said that along with a raft of changes, that refuelling is to be banned from 2010, and engines must not cost more then £4.5m for the year.

That right? I havent heard that on any of my usual F1 sites?
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