F1 2009 Season discussion/development thread

Well, maybe they will lump for the cheaper customer cosworth unit instead!

So, potientally the team could be called:

Prodrive Cosworth (will customers use the engine name as the cosworth is unbranded?)
Prodrive Ferrari
Prodrive F1? :p

Would it not be Prodrive McLaren Mercedes, since Richards seems to love the German engines.
08 rear wing though?!

Is that a change one thing at a time and see how it goes testing strategy?
Nope 07 wing still. Yeah sounds like it. I wonder if Ferrari will actually test anything new this year :p

Nothing wrong with that. By all accounts, it seems that most of the people at the meeting were in agreement that something had to be done to bring down costs. Running identical gearboxes and engines is one way forward.

Would you rather have cost-cutting measures implemented and still have 20-22 cars on the grid or would you have no cost-cutting and maybe only 12-16 cars on the grid?
or teams running 3 cars making the grid 21-24. From a personal viewpoint id like to see all restrictions lifted so that the best car/driver/team win. You wouldn't of given Carl Lewis a dead leg because he beat everyone ,would you?
Would you rather have cost-cutting measures implemented and still have 20-22 cars on the grid or would you have no cost-cutting and maybe only 12-16 cars on the grid?

I'd rather have no Formula One at all than a rubbish, emasculated one that's been hamstrung in order to 'level the playing field' and 'cut costs' and do all those other retarded things that shouldn't happen in the supposed pinnacle of motorsport.

No-one is owed a living by F1. And if the Formula is no longer viable, then scrap it completely and start over. Don't keep diluting the current ruleset down until you're left with something that is F1 in name only.
You wouldn't of given Carl Lewis a dead leg because he beat everyone ,would you?

But similarly if Carl Lewis was the only one turning up to races, the spectacle would also be compromised.

I hope they've agreed on a constructor 1.8L Turbo engine, standard gearbox and cosworth engine for those teams that require/want it.
From a personal viewpoint id like to see all restrictions lifted so that the best car/driver/team win.

Agreed, the only restrictions placed should be for safety reasons (and I'm not sure "going too fast" is a safety reason ... if it's unsafe at that speed drivers can always slow down).
No-one is owed a living by F1.

True. But there are a lot of companies out there who are happy to spend millions funding it and there are many who are happy to be employed in it. And there are even more people happy to watch it. I for one, love it.

At the end of the day new rules and regs have always been brought in, in order to pull F1 back a bit. Had there been no such pulling back, then by now, F1 cars would probably be doing speeds approaching 400mph.

And if the Formula is no longer viable, then scrap it completely and start over.

That suggestion is a little silly. Its better to dilute the rules gradually, which is what is happening. This way, everyone can adapt, slowly without the rules being totally overhauled in one go. Doing a total overhaul could also result in a lot of people losing their jobs, which is not nice.

Don't keep diluting the current ruleset down until you're left with something that is F1 in name only.

F1 is just a name. Its supposed to mark the pinnacle of motorsport - where the best personnel ally together to form a team which pits itself against other teams. Its supposed to represent the best in technology and the best in personnel. However, there comes a point where (like now), you have to adapt to the times. In 2008, there is major financial trouble, hence, F1 must adapt. In 3-5 years time, when times are good again, budgets will once again increase and we will move back to personalised gearboxes and engines.

Scrapping F1 and then relaunching it as Formula X (or whatever you want to call it), is a little silly as pretty much all the current F1 teams and drivers will be competing. The only thing that will have changed is the name. And to do this overhaul will cost a lot of money, which defeats the purpose.

Most F1 fans just want to see a good close race, on race day, with a little unpredictability, to get the heart pumping. They are not fussed whether the engine being run by the 2 leaders are identical or different. They just want to see a good race.
Most F1 fans just want to see a good close race, on race day, with a little unpredictability, to get the heart pumping. They are not fussed whether the engine being run by the 2 leaders are identical or different. They just want to see a good race.

Guess I'm not most then, as I want certain teams/drivers to do well and do care what they are running underneath.

e.g. I always want Ferrari to win, unless it's Honda or Toyota that might win, in which case it's a tie between the 3 of them.
However I want McLaren to crash in the first corner; I dont care what Force India do ... but I do want STR (and Red Bull) to do well (especially Vettel) however not at the expence of the 3 "winning" teams mentioned above.
I have no real care over BMW either, but while I might dislike Renault ... Alonso doing well is nice as well (though again not at expence of the 1st 3 mentioned).

Oh and I like to see a good race as well ;)

Complicated, nah? :D
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