F1 2009 Season discussion/development thread

I personally don't mind the rear end, and I love the fact it doesn't have bits coming out of every flat surface.
What I don't like is the front end. The width of the wing looks ridiculous, and surely the end fences will cut into tyres easily.

F1 Wacky Races!

They may as well add circular saws, and machine guns, they would do as much damage as those wings :D
Think of all the times those little sticky up things on tight corners that get nailed in the first lap by people cutting the corner, those wings would soon put a stop to that!
They'll have to be careful with those front wings at Monza and Monaco... on the high kerbs... could put an end to McLaren's J-damper :p (Although Ferrari seem to have had it too in the '08 season...)

Wheres the fat bird in the babes thread, I need something good looking to stop my eyes from bleeding!
I am not experienced in between season development, but I strongly believe the final cars will look a lot different to development mules, which I imagine are just a guestimate to give a starting point for the rest of the development. Aesthetics are not exactly top of the list during the development stage, expecially when dealing with radical regulation changes.

Am I wrong?

The Honda nose looks neat.
Not sold on the Williams.
Sauber is okay.

Why the big wing on the Honda and the narrow wings on the other two?

The cars look *so* much better on slicks, althought the front tyres are still too big IMO.

I haven't seen a really good looking F1 car since ooh, I dunno - the MP4/7?
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the new cars are actually growing on me, theres no denying that they are far from pretty but i dunno, i'm beginning to really like them:o
the honda is using 2008 rear wing?

i like the front wing but it doesnt match with the rear so it looks stupid. the big wing with slicks looks mean but then the waffer thin tiny back wing stuck 2ft up looks stupid.
A mate of mine is at Barcelona atm who works for the Renault Test Team, Finally found some pics of him :p Here is Richard with Giedo Van Der Garde.



Isn't there a chap on these forums who works for Renault?
Planning to go up to jerez (prolly 16th December) for the F1 testing, less than an hour's drive from Gibraltar...been a couple of years since i've not seen F1's in the flesh :)

Will (hopefully) be taking a photographer mate (Alex53 on this forum iirc) with me.

I've just moved to Jerez but not sure i'm going to be able to make the test (or the one a week before). If i make it to the circuit or not i'll be able to hear the cars. The spanish bike championship was there on sunday and the noise carried for miles :D:D
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