Fake hate crime: Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers to attack him

I think OP is highlighting that there are and have been a spate of hate crimes committed by people who are for all intents and purposes on the political left.

While this isn't unique, they hold the preponderance by a good margin. For example CNNPC and MSNPC (see what I did there!?) have been propagating a Russia collusion hoax for nearing the entirety of the Trump Presidency.

Now, the SC discussion should be renamed the Anti-Trump Presidency thread as almost all posters are vociferously anti-Trump (doodah, CRAZY, Raymond Lin, Dis86, Yas etc) and anyone who goes in supporting or even presenting the other side is immediately set upon derided and then their argument is not even discussed.

It is a virtual echo chamber where opposing views are not tolerated. Mods bias has been repeatedly raised over things such as Brexit etc, so much so that the decision was made to ban a word on here, at one point under threat of suspension but then the word gammon from the other way... Well if that word is not starred out it tells you all you need to know...
Stay on topic.

I wonder what job(if any) Smollett will do next?

Jobs going at New York times or CNN. They should have him as a contributor like Kathy Griffin, creepy porn lawyer or the other slew of brain-dead activist types!
I think OP is highlighting that there are and have been a spate of hate crimes committed by people who are for all intents and purposes on the political left.

While this isn't unique, they hold the preponderance by a good margin. For example CNNPC and MSNPC (see what I did there!?) have been propagating a Russia collusion hoax for nearing the entirety of the Trump Presidency.

Now, the SC discussion should be renamed the Anti-Trump Presidency thread as almost all posters are vociferously anti-Trump (doodah, CRAZY, Raymond Lin, Dis86, Yas etc) and anyone who goes in supporting or even presenting the other side is immediately set upon derided and then their argument is not even discussed.

It is a virtual echo chamber where opposing views are not tolerated. Mods bias has been repeatedly raised over things such as Brexit etc, so much so that the decision was made to ban a word on here, at one point under threat of suspension but then the word gammon from the other way... Well if that word is not starred out it tells you all you need to know...

Pretty much all the Trump supporters come up with is generally spurious nonsense, they then cry "echo chamber" and flounce off when they are debated with. There is literally no reasoned argument for a lot of the guff Trump comes out with, its mostly either outright lies or bending of the truth.

The main reason there are not more people defending Trump is because he is mostly indefensible.
Now, the SC discussion should be renamed the Anti-Trump Presidency thread as almost all posters are vociferously anti-Trump (doodah, CRAZY, Raymond Lin, Dis86, Yas etc) and anyone who goes in supporting or even presenting the other side is immediately set upon derided and then their argument is not even discussed.

Well the latest "argument" in the Trump thread from people who say they aren't pro Trump (but like to argue anyway) is that the border wall is definitely an emergency, even though the president himself said in his rambling speech that it's not an emergency.

Donald Trump said:
"I didn't need to do this. But I'd rather do it much faster ... I just want to get it done faster."
Pretty much all the Trump supporters come up with is generally spurious nonsense, they then cry "echo chamber" and flounce off when they are debated with. There is literally no reasoned argument for a lot of the guff Trump comes out with, its mostly either outright lies or bending of the truth.

The main reason there are not more people defending Trump is because he is mostly indefensible.

If only somone had given an actual example, in this very thread, on a situation where they posted not to defend Trump but to point out that other posters were, without basis, irrationally trying to link any old bad news story to him and when challenged they didn't try to address the arguments made against them but rather circled up the wagons, doubled down and went back to business as usual....
Pretty much all the Trump supporters come up with is generally spurious nonsense, they then cry "echo chamber" and flounce off when they are debated with.

Not true. They have posted legitimate items. In fact we have spurious statements made that are supported. Vince for example has stated he believed Russia through purchasing a few thousand dollars of ads (blocked) managed to move the entire US election machine into a huge Trump victory. This is so beyond ridiculous as to make one question how someone can arrive at such a vacuous and erroneous view. That is until you see the MSM. Then you see... Ahhh... $4,000 beats $2,000,000,000.00.
There is literally no reasoned argument for a lot of the guff Trump comes out with, its mostly either outright lies or bending of the truth.

So it doesn't matter.

main reason there are not more people defending Trump is because he is mostly indefensible.

Or that he is the bulwark against what the democrats are doing.

They are now going to investigate Trump and his family just because. That is unconstitutional and against the law... Yet in SC there is glee beyond belief. They don't realize they are celebrating and endorsing fascistic methods from, what I believe is an increasingly fascist political party growing in its power in the US.
If only somone had given an actual example, in this very thread, on a situation where they posted not to defend Trump but to point out that other posters were, without basis, irrationally trying to link any old bad news story to him and when challenged they didn't try to address the arguments made against them but rather circled up the wagons, doubled down and went back to business as usual....

You are talking about Raymond.
If only somone had given an actual example, in this very thread, on a situation where they posted not to defend Trump but to point out that other posters were, without basis, irrationally trying to link any old bad news story to him and when challenged they didn't try to address the arguments made against them but rather circled up the wagons, doubled down and went back to business as usual....


Not true. They have posted legitimate items. In fact we have spurious statements made that are supported. Vince for example has stated he believed Russia through purchasing a few thousand dollars of ads (blocked) managed to move the entire US election machine into a huge Trump victory. This is so beyond ridiculous as to make one question how someone can arrive at such a vacuous and erroneous view. That is until you see the MSM. Then you see... Ahhh... $4,000 beats $2,000,000,000.00.

Yeah, I think I posted something in the Trump thread in SC once. I felt like a bag of seed in Trafalgar Square when the pigeons saw it.

Yeah, I think I posted something in the Trump thread in SC once. I felt like a bag of seed in Trafalgar Square when the pigeons saw it.

An excellent analogy... You get pecked to death in there.

I was originally a neither voter on Hillary and Trump (despite some posters becoming very adamant I'd voted for Trump on the vote thread. Then someone pointed out it was Roar87 and not me. They were so desperate to be right they I) outright lied and ii) didn't even check properly.

In short, after seeing the behaviour of the democratic party I'm now a somewhat favourable to Trump. I just look at the democratic party and think after everything they have done that: That's not me or what I stand for.

If this was posted in SC they would be bleating that I support p grabbing... Thus completing the cycle that I) they will lie and ii) they wont even check
What have the democrats done? They didn't even have any power for 2 years.

Kavanaugh hearings for a start.
Investigating and perpetuating a fake collusion narrative
Investigating people not crimes (a hall mark of police statism and tyranny)
Pushing through media an attempt to delegitimize a duly elected President
Try and invoke th 25th Amendment to have him removed
Sitting down when MAJOR achievements have been made
Working with friendlies in the deep state to undermine the Presidency eg Peter Strzok/James Comey etc
Using fake news stories to blame on Trump (Covington to name just one in the last month)

We have the Andy Ngo tweets to verify more.
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