Fallout 4 - still happening?

I've never played Fallout. Is Fallout 3 playable still? I loved Skyrim, but the graphics these days make it too much of a chore on the eyes. On the other hand, Crysis 3 still looks awesome.

I play Skyrim in 4K with 2K textures and shading/lighting/etc mods. Can confirm, looks awesome. :D

Didn't take much effort to do either. Looks good in 1080P too.
F3 doesn't work properly on PC unless you can be bothered to spend ages applying fixes and things. :p
I've said the wrong thing, haven't I. :p

OK, I might pick #3 up.

The only rpg games I've managed to sit through are KOTOR, Mass Effect 1-3 and this. Fallout 3 is a cracking game.

I can understand what you mean about older games. I've always wanted to play Dark Messiah Of Might and Magic and KOTOR 2 again as I played through both to a point years ago and loved them but find the graphics and (movement in DMaMaM) offputting.
Shallow I know but true :(
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