Fallout 4 - still happening?

I think I might know the problem...

I'll give you a hint, we aren't allowed to discuss it... :p

Perhaps I'll buy it *cough* again. :)
It worked flawlessly for me for years, then I upgraded a few bits and had to reinstall windows and it started crashing every few hours. I just downloaded the unofficial bug patch, applied the ini fix and it worked flawlessly ever since. The problem with the Gamebryo engine is if it's strained too much it'll just lock up, I've got a 50 hour save game where I haven't crashed at all, only using NMC's maximum texture pack, hi res sky textures and a tweak to the amount of grass the game draws as standard and it runs sweet.

You'll need to apply the 4GB enabler too otherwise it'll only use 2GB of RAM which doesn't help with the crashing. I wouldn't say it takes forever to get it in a working state, the above fixes took 15 minutes tops.
Fallout NV is better anyway... :p

...but for real it is.

I can't wait for the Bethesda E3 conference coming up soon, I think I'll find it hard to be disappointed, especially if Fallout 4 turns up this time, along with the new Dishonoured, and hopefully a good showing of the DOOM reboot.
Fallout NV is better anyway... :p

...but for real it is.

I can't wait for the Bethesda E3 conference coming up soon, I think I'll find it hard to be disappointed, especially if Fallout 4 turns up this time, along with the new Dishonoured, and hopefully a good showing of the DOOM reboot.

Elder Scrolls 6 would be the big money spinner for them.
Seriously? What makes you say that? Skyrim was 4 years ago now. Do you think it's down to the ESO thing?

There's been more time still between Fallout releases though, and ESO will certainly count as an Elder Scrolls release, so it doesn't really make much sense for another Elder scrolls to come out before another Fallout.

I really do hope they ditch the Gamebryo engine though. They pretended they had with Skyrim by claiming it was a new engine, but it just wasn't. So I can't really see them ditching it for Fallout 4, though I can hope!
There's been more time still between Fallout releases though, and ESO will certainly count as an Elder Scrolls release, so it doesn't really make much sense for another Elder scrolls to come out before another Fallout.

I really do hope they ditch the Gamebryo engine though. They pretended they had with Skyrim by claiming it was a new engine, but it just wasn't. So I can't really see them ditching it for Fallout 4, though I can hope!

Yeah, that annoyed me a lot.

Blathering on about new engine this....it even had the same animations for sitting down!
Seriously? What makes you say that? Skyrim was 4 years ago now. Do you think it's down to the ESO thing?

No, I just figure we're due a Fallout first... if Fallout 4 is released next year that'll be a six year gap between it and New Vegas and there was a seven year gap between Oblivion and Skyrim.

Of course... I'm not an 'industry insider' so I can only speculate...
No, I just figure we're due a Fallout first... if Fallout 4 is released next year that'll be a six year gap between it and New Vegas and there was a seven year gap between Oblivion and Skyrim.

Of course... I'm not an 'industry insider' so I can only speculate...

Makes sense, unfortunately. I'd love to see TES6.
Uhh, New Vegas was mostly Obsidian?

Id rather think the comparison to FO3 would be more useful, frankly, Bethesda needs more time, they crank these big ass games out all mangled.
I have an old motherboard and wondering if anybody knows if the P5QL can support a cpu to play F4? If so, thinking of buying the Q9550 and OC it.
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