Fallout: New Vegas



Fallout: New Vegas’ Old World Blues expansion brings with it not only a whole slew of fixes, but also a new storyline for the player to experience. Taking place in the Big Empty, a land that was initially thought to be…empty, Old World Blues pits the seasoned New Vegas veteran against an army of robots, roboscorpions, and even larger versions of robots and roboscorpions.
In celebration of the DLC’s upcoming release, Bethesda Softworks has released a trailer for Old World Blues that doesn’t do much to reveal the storyline, but does feature a very Twilight Zone-esque milieu. There obviously is much more to the Big Empty than the residents of the Mojave initially thought, and it’s up to the player to find out more.
Featuring some advanced laser and plasma weaponry, Old World Blues, like Honest Hearts and Dead Money before it, will introduce the player to elements not seen in the main game. Perhaps even along the way the courier might discover what created the mutated creatures of the Mojave and where the sophisticated technology of New Vegas came from – there are many questions left unanswered by Fallout 3 and New Vegas’ main storylines, and players want answers.
Fallout: New Vegas’ Old World Blues DLC releases July 19, 2011 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.
Some interesting things mentioned there. Especially mentioning ananswered questions from Fallout 3 main storyline:eek: I wonder if there is anything in that?
This may be a noobish question but when should i start dead money or honest hearts? Iv racked up about 50 hours so far in the main game, im about lvl 23 or 24 and iv still not finished it yet, so yeah just wondering when should i start the DLC?
Does anyone know how much more dlc there'll be for nv?

And what about a goty edition, what do you reckon, out by christmas :)
4 planned DLC so you could possibly see a GOTY by Christmas.

This may be a noobish question but when should i start dead money or honest hearts? Iv racked up about 50 hours so far in the main game, im about lvl 23 or 24 and iv still not finished it yet, so yeah just wondering when should i start the DLC?
I was at the point of the ending quests being available and level 30 when I started Honest Hearts, I've not done Dead Money yet but it creates a saves right before the end of the normal game so you can load that for the DLC if you want, after you complete the main game story that's it for your character anyway.
Just finished Dead Money and Honest Hearts over the past few days. For me DM has a feel of The Pitt, HH is more like Point Outlook.

DM was tough fight and more constrained. Some horrible maze like maps and environmental traps made it less than enjoyable.

HH was more a free roam, with very nice looking scenery and maps. It is the shorter of the two, however you can return to the location afterwards, unlike DM. Which is strange as that means you cant access that newly added casino.
I've been playing this and don't really want to finish it as I'm having too much fun.
is it like F3 where you can't continue after you finish the last quest or are you able to keep playing?
I've been playing this and don't really want to finish it as I'm having too much fun.
is it like F3 where you can't continue after you finish the last quest or are you able to keep playing?

At this moment, you can not play after the main quest ends. However, there is a mod which allows you to play on. And maybe there will be a dlc that allows it in the future

For the record, you can play after the main quest ends in FO3
Still loving this at the mo - in fact I love exploring so much that I'm level 25 and have hardly touched the main quest line.

Shame so many buildings are boarded up though.
Some screenies from my current game. Anyone know how to hide the HUD for screenshots?



I've been playing this and don't really want to finish it as I'm having too much fun.
is it like F3 where you can't continue after you finish the last quest or are you able to keep playing?

The most recent patch automatically creates a save before the endgame sequence, allowing you to continue exploring or whatever after the credits. Personally, though, I just wouldn't do the main story (or at least not a significant portion of it) because I think some side-quests become unavailable depending on who you side with - though don't quote me on that. Alternatively (and this is what I've done), you could create a manual save before doing any of the story quests so you can go back to said save and complete the story for all the factions once you've done all of the side-quests.
Personally, though, I just wouldn't do the main story (or at least not a significant portion of it) because I think some side-quests become unavailable depending on who you side with - though don't quote me on that.

I would probably disagree with this in the sense that i thought that one of the biggest strengths of the game was the way in which you could seemlessly do side quests along with the main story.

What i mean by this is that there are lots of main story quests which are very vague such as "make contact with the Boomers" where you can pretty much do them whenever you like and go off and do side quests or explore whilst doing them.
Compared to Fallout 3 where in my recent playthroughi just went straight through the main story without doing a single side mission, because the story is much more focused, and then i did all of the exploring and side quests afterwards.

New Vegas imo, is great because the story is much less focused than 3, so the balance of side missions/main story is just about right so that it feels natural to just go around doing whatever you like. It greatly benefits from a less focused story imo.:)

I'm not sure about side quests becoming unavailable though, but if you choose a certain faction, isn't that going to happen anyway?
Has anyone here had any trouble with Camp McCarran? When i go there and walk half way to the main building on the right, i get a CTD every time. Iv had this problem since one of the DLC updates awhile back, luckily iv not had to go back there for anything important yet, as i think i done most quests there quite early in my game. To get to the main building i have to use the player.moveto command, which is annoying. I hope i don't have to go back there to do anything that involves the final main quest-line.
I've had 3 CTDs.

It seriously ***** me off.

Did it the other night when I had done a lot, about to save and boom. CTD.
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