Fallout: New Vegas

It really is a shame that there is no post-battle content. I am using the mod which continues the game after, but it would be nice if there were some consequences shown, and even some dialogue with some important NPCs.

There are a few lines for NPCs left in the game files (like Col. Moore), but J.E Sawyer said early on that Obsidian couldn't do justice to all the possible major and minor consequences in the main game to allow accurate post-Hoover play. At least not in the time-scale they had for development.
There are a few lines for NPCs left in the game files (like Col. Moore), but J.E Sawyer said early on that Obsidian couldn't do justice to all the possible major and minor consequences in the main game to allow accurate post-Hoover play. At least not in the time-scale they had for development.

In the next update fort that mod I linked, he is apparently implementing changes to one town based on endings, so hopefully he will take it from there and develop something really good, though as I said, I think it is a tad ambitious tbh.

I started Dead Money last night. Seems a bit meh really, I have not enjoyed it much so far. I have recruited all of the other guys, and just about to do the next bit. The Assassin armour is good though:cool:
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In the next update fort that mod I linked, he is apparently implementing changes to one town based on endings, so hopefully he will take it from there and develop something really good, though as I said, I think it is a tad ambitious tbh.

Not the same as having 100 people at Obsidian work on it with the original voice actors doing lines.

I started Dead Money last night. Seems a bit meh really, I have not enjoyed it much so far. I have recruited all of the other guys, and just about to do the next bit. The Assassin armour is good though:cool:

Well I've heard the difficulty is the main complaint. I won't spoil anything but I think the characters are reasonably compelling once you get to know them.

There's also an ending where
you facilitate the destruction of the Mojave with a biological weapon that Elijah intended to use. Bit like the Fallout 1 ending siding with The Master
It is more the environments than anything, and a few gameplay elements which are pretty awful imo(collars beeping). The characters are pretty poor as well. I must be near the end of it, and I would rate it as a poor piece of dlc.
Hmm...so out of Dean Domino, Vera, Christine, Elijah, Dog\God...none of them were interesting to you?

Not especially. I suppose Dog was pretty interesting...for a while(it would be nice if he stopped telling me he was going to kill me every 5 seconds!). We already knew about Elijah, and I haven't really been given any particular insight in to his character, though as I said, I haven't finished it yet(though I must be close to the end now).

lol at his link
Not especially. I suppose Dog was pretty interesting...for a while(it would be nice if he stopped telling me he was going to kill me every 5 seconds!).

You sure you weren't being a jerk? :p Could just be his schizophrenia\split personality thing I guess..

We already knew about Elijah, and I haven't really been given any particular insight in to his character, though as I said, I haven't finished it yet(though I must be close to the end now).

Well there's some tie-in to the BOS's history (Elijah being a former elder and Christine was a scribe). You can get extra dialogue for Veronica about what happened with Elijah.
Not the same as having 100 people at Obsidian work on it with the original voice actors doing lines.

This is of course true, but I just checked the mods progress, and it looks like he is using quite a bit of content already in the files and it could end up being quite reasonable- http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42428. (check the comments).

I shall finish Dead Money today, and then I might start Honest Hears(I started it before but quit before progressing the story at all as I didn't really want to go through a self-contained story at the time). I also have New Vegas Bounties to do and a hell of a lot of side quests. Plus I have Beyond Boulderdome as well:D ....I have barely begun;)

edit- Bored to death. Can't wait to finish Dead Money so I can get back to playing the actual game
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Fallout NV Load Game bug

Hi all,

Every time I try to continue a game, FONV sits at the loading screen forever and I have to kill the task. If I start a new game then load the last game, it works fine. WTF?

Is there a fix for this?
Did it for me once but like you I created a new game, saved then re loaded up the old save and it works again.
My NV doesn't even make it past the Bethesda splash screen, before closing and saying 'FalloutNV has stopped working'.

Oh Bethesda. :)

Just in case you or others don't know, it was Obsidian that developed New Vegas, they obviously used FO3's engine tech/assets and Bethesda published the game.

FNV being more buggy than FO3 is due to Obsidian having been under much tighter time constraints and apparently none of them having any previous experience with pooey Gamebryo (Bethesda's engine).

Despite that, Obsidian managed to produce a game that is mostly far superior to FO3, and I'd even go so far as to say FNV makes FO3 look like an amateur mod when generally comparing writing and quest design.

Sorry for the side-track.
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Just in case you or others don't know, it was Obsidian that developed New Vegas, they obviously used FO3's engine tech/assets and Bethesda published the game.

FNV being more buggy than FO3 is due to Obsidian having much tighter time constraints and apparently none of them having any previous experience with pooey Gamebryo.

Despite that, Obsidian managed to produce a game that is mostly far superior to FO3, and I'd even go so far as to say FNV makes FO3 look like an amateur mod when generally comparing writing and quest design.

Sorry for the side-track.

Aye, I know, but it was still Bethesda's engine that it all runs on, but my issue wasn't even a problem by the developers, it was the damn Fallout Mod Manager, first time it ever let me down because it installed Project Nevada wrongly, didn't give me any of the folders into Data, it only put the .esp's in there, when you load .esp's without the supporting resources, bad things happen! :p

FO3 > New Vegas, though. If it had the litte New Vegas engine tweaks, it'd be amazing.
Die! :mad::p

Again, I care more about writing and quest design and, in those areas FNV makes FO3 look like a ppor joke, in my opinion.

I'm a big fan of the original Fallouts and I'd rate them like so: FO1 >> FO2 > FNV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FO3 >>> BoS.

Each to his own tho!

I like NV, but I do seem to deter from the usual order that most people have when it comes to Fallout games, for me its;

FO:T > FO3 > FO2 > FONV > FO1 > BoS

As you said; to each their own. ;)

Tactics was awesome mate, I don't mean that horrible PS2 game, I mean the last one properly made for PC. It was incredible, the story was decent, it felt extremely Mad Max and when I played through it, i got a serious Apocalypse Now feeling the entire way through, the whole Brotherhood of Steel heirarchy and how amazingly well the in-game social side was put together... just incredible.
Hmm... not sure where I'd put Tactics. I'd say it's pretty good, maybe 7/10, and that's largely because, again, I'm such a Fallout fan. I found the writing/design fairly mediocre. And tho I know combat was far from praise-worthy in the first two Fallouts, it was obviously a main focus here and my criticism of it can be summed up in that I think Jagged Alliance 2 did that 10x better and two years earlier. In my ordering up there, I guess I'd place it somewhere between FNV and FO3..
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