It really is a shame that there is no post-battle content. I am using the mod which continues the game after, but it would be nice if there were some consequences shown, and even some dialogue with some important NPCs.
There are a few lines for NPCs left in the game files (like Col. Moore), but J.E Sawyer said early on that Obsidian couldn't do justice to all the possible major and minor consequences in the main game to allow accurate post-Hoover play. At least not in the time-scale they had for development.
In the next update fort that mod I linked, he is apparently implementing changes to one town based on endings, so hopefully he will take it from there and develop something really good, though as I said, I think it is a tad ambitious tbh.
I started Dead Money last night. Seems a bit meh really, I have not enjoyed it much so far. I have recruited all of the other guys, and just about to do the next bit. The Assassin armour is good though![]()
The characters are pretty poor as well. I must be near the end of it, and I would rate it as a poor piece of dlc. out of Dean Domino, Vera, Christine, Elijah, Dog\God...none of them were interesting to you?
Not especially. I suppose Dog was pretty interesting...for a while(it would be nice if he stopped telling me he was going to kill me every 5 seconds!).
We already knew about Elijah, and I haven't really been given any particular insight in to his character, though as I said, I haven't finished it yet(though I must be close to the end now).
Not the same as having 100 people at Obsidian work on it with the original voice actors doing lines.
My NV doesn't even make it past the Bethesda splash screen, before closing and saying 'FalloutNV has stopped working'.
Oh Bethesda.![]()
Just in case you or others don't know, it was Obsidian that developed New Vegas, they obviously used FO3's engine tech/assets and Bethesda published the game.
FNV being more buggy than FO3 is due to Obsidian having much tighter time constraints and apparently none of them having any previous experience with pooey Gamebryo.
Despite that, Obsidian managed to produce a game that is mostly far superior to FO3, and I'd even go so far as to say FNV makes FO3 look like an amateur mod when generally comparing writing and quest design.
Sorry for the side-track.
FO3 > New Vegas, though.
Again, I care more about writing and quest design and, in those areas FNV makes FO3 look like a ppor joke, in my opinion.
I'm a big fan of the original Fallouts and I'd rate them like so: FO1 >> FO2 > FNV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FO3 >>> BoS.
Each to his own tho!
FO:T > FO3 > FO2 > FONV > FO1 > BoS
I like NV, but I do seem to deter from the usual order that most people have when it comes to Fallout games
As you said; to each their own.![]()