Alas it gets worse the further you progress through the game. I'm a fair ways in and after countless reloads and juggling @10 different save files I am convinced that certain missions/possible paths/game endings of the game, cannot be done in the current state of this **** poor tested piece of software. Some are bugging out so badly that I wonder if they actually ever bothered to test it at all, like for instance the prisoner interrogation instance (won't say more in case of spoilers).
Even though I enjoyed FO3 Goty and did enjoy this when I started playing it, I am now to the point where it is starting to taste too sour for my liking, too many bugs, to little optimisation (the lag in big battles/big crowds gets seriously frustrating after a while) plus the fact for the amount of time I lost due to having to force a reload of an older save game is simply unacceptable imo. Time to put this on the shelve next to Civ V and alike, collecting dust, till they patch it 'properly' to function like it suppose to (if that will ever happen in my lifetime).
We, PC gamers, must be pretty desperate for entertainment if we accept the state of games/software like FONV, as acceptable or fun. It shows how the current PC games scene is like a scorching barren desert and even a drink of dirty water (+2RAD) will satisfy the user like its the best thing since pac-man.
/me rant off.