Fallout: New Vegas

I'm at a complete loss her guys. I have two save files (auto and quick) that will no longer open on my computer (the game just crashes when it tries to load them)

Would anyone try opening them ( save files go here C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Saves) and if they will open, get me out of the area I am currently in and re-saving and sending them back to me?

Just spent 8 hours without a proper save and I would have to have lost all that work.

Here they are:

Just tried them both, and they both crash the game for me. :(
Thanks for trying!

Have calmed down a little since it happened. Reckon I can power through all the bits I did relatively quickly (3 hours/ish)

Save your games regularly people!
Been playing since friday about 12hours in now and having fun
Not had any slow down with the NPc heads that ppl are talking about getting a smooth 60fps everything at max @ 1920x1200
I do get the odd crash after about 3-4 hours and I can live with that
have died a few time walked rite in to super mutants camp as a level 6 didn't last long had some sort of flame trower :P

I normal save 10 - 15 game saves and then go back over from bottom up so you don't end up with a huge save game folder
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I'm at a complete loss her guys. I have two save files (auto and quick) that will no longer open on my computer (the game just crashes when it tries to load them)

Would anyone try opening them ( save files go here C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Saves) and if they will open, get me out of the area I am currently in and re-saving and sending them back to me?

Just spent 8 hours without a proper save and I would have to have lost all that work.

Here they are:

Tried as well, those saves are truly buggered.
I thought they fixed the save game problem? I had it the first time I played and lost about an hour of game time but was fine after the update and now I'm getting it again, I can't save any more as every time I try to load it up it crashes! Lucky I didn't spend hours since last save just 10 minutes but I can't play the game any more. :(

*edit* someone on the Bethesda forums mentioned that if you kill a certain character in Vault 3 then it crashes all your save games afterwards - I luckily have a save just before I did but haven't tested this theory yet but here's hoping!

*2nd edit* no luck :(
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Strangely had less CTD's yesterday so I managed to get some good gameplay in and elevated myself to a massive Level FOUR (!). I followed the road left out of Goodsprings and got owned by these poisonous dragonfly things so I had to turn back only to end up at Sloan where Deafclaws were meant to be.

Ended up returning to Primm for a while and then moved to Nipton where I am at present. Finding combat rather hard at this point :)
Am i to assume Bethesda still haven't got a ****ing clue yet and are still using the same piece of **** save system they have for the last god knows how long? You know like 1 that lumps all your characters together on 1 long, stupidly set up list, with only a single autosave/quicksave slot for all your characters instead of seperate quick/auto slots for different characters in a nice, easily laid out list with multiple quicksave slots so you don't override them so easily.
Am i to assume Bethesda still haven't got a ****ing clue yet and are still using the same piece of **** save system they have for the last god knows how long? You know like 1 that lumps all your characters together on 1 long, stupidly set up list, with only a single autosave/quicksave slot for all your characters instead of seperate quick/auto slots for different characters in a nice, easily laid out list with multiple quicksave slots so you don't override them so easily.

Bloody hell I hope not, the girlfriend will be starting this tomorrow and if she messes up my save games then I will be pi**ed :(
Bloody hell I hope not, the girlfriend will be starting this tomorrow and if she messes up my save games then I will be pi**ed :(

Then before you let her on i would strongly advise a hard save.

For all the skill Bethesda have making the games they really are utter retards when it comes to making them usable.

On that note though i wonder if the save manager mod i got for FO3 would work in NV.
My brother has completed it already within 19hrs done it lastnight, but he didnt really do many sidequest only the main. As for me im on 12hrs done loads of side missions and im just off to the strip now to go see the guy who tried to kill me.
Really am enjoying it, hardcore mode is the only way really.
Anybody found or acquired any cool stuff yet? I've got 'that gun' and a snow globe but that's about it.

Cant really say how i got it without spoilers, but i got a pretty cool pistol called "Maria", you can get it from someone you meet if you decide to do something:p
Alas it gets worse the further you progress through the game. I'm a fair ways in and after countless reloads and juggling @10 different save files I am convinced that certain missions/possible paths/game endings of the game, cannot be done in the current state of this **** poor tested piece of software. Some are bugging out so badly that I wonder if they actually ever bothered to test it at all, like for instance the prisoner interrogation instance (won't say more in case of spoilers).

Even though I enjoyed FO3 Goty and did enjoy this when I started playing it, I am now to the point where it is starting to taste too sour for my liking, too many bugs, to little optimisation (the lag in big battles/big crowds gets seriously frustrating after a while) plus the fact for the amount of time I lost due to having to force a reload of an older save game is simply unacceptable imo. Time to put this on the shelve next to Civ V and alike, collecting dust, till they patch it 'properly' to function like it suppose to (if that will ever happen in my lifetime).

We, PC gamers, must be pretty desperate for entertainment if we accept the state of games/software like FONV, as acceptable or fun. It shows how the current PC games scene is like a scorching barren desert and even a drink of dirty water (+2RAD) will satisfy the user like its the best thing since pac-man.

/me rant off.
Maybe I haven't got far enough to see this disasterous programming, thus far bar the odd graphical glitch where folks are standing i've encountered no showstoppers.
All good thus far.
Is it me or is this hell of allot more difficult than fallout3? Im currently level 7 have about 8 differencet quests mainly side ones e.g. go kill violet, three stands grass.

And nearly every enemy i encounter is wiping me out =(
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