Fallout: New Vegas

Just fixed my glitch - I killed the nearby Scorpions and then I was able to pass a speech check (after putting all my level up points into speech!) with Cass and she was then able to follow me - maybe it wasn't all that glitched after all.

The only trouble is, the Van Graffs want her dead, so as soon as I see them, with her as my Companion, they're going to kill her...

They are not :) I left her outside for the proof mission (by the way you can/could have pickpocket the Vangraff woman, same with Alice, and the hack the safe to open it!) but when I returned afterwards to hand her over to them it didn't happen until I spoke to the guy and said that Cass was now with me.

So you should be fine either way. It's a nice 2x quests done with a sort of positive outcome so it's worth it if you don't mind losing Cass.
Just got that meltdown perk (I am specialising in energy weapons and critical hits).


Its like a plasma grenade goes off when you kill something! Great when a few enemies are bunched together! (not so good when you critical hit at point blank range, explosion just blew Boone off a cliff, he died LOL).
Am only about 8 hours in and confused as hell :P

OK, so I have a NCR outfit, a Legion outfit and some of mercenaries outfit, chatted to some guy at the big Dinosaur place, then went to free the hostages using a stealth boy, met some legion who attacked me because I had the NCR kit on, then changed into legion, forgot I had it on and then everyone attacks me..lol had to go back to previous save

so Im slighty confused, im trying to be good first run through, don't nick things that are red....I presume that if I stay NCR I can just kill all the legion and still have good karma?

Using stealth to pick locks...thats good, and I can't seem to see what I have to do to get some stuff to set the rockets off as Cass wants 500 caps - so close to trying to killing her but presume her 500 dogs will then attack me :)

as you can see im playing if confusedly but its pretty good
Yeah if you go off the beaten track the game is massive!
I am now 75 hours in and not been to the strip (Am close as I'm at freeside). I have about 12 questlines on the go too. I have the perk now that shows all game locations, so I am getting a bit lazier heading striaght for the places i need and not exploring soo much.

That perk ruined FO3 for exactly the reasons you've specified, i.e. it kills the 'curiosity' aspect of the game, so I'm staying clear of it :p

Killing deathclaws in 1 punch = Epic

WUT? How ffs? :D
Well, it says I've played 41 hours in the last two weeks :D

Second time around I am about 15 locations short of having visited every place on the map, am level 28 and haven't even made it inside Freeside yet, let alone The Strip. Got plenty to keep me going as well - and looking forward to my first Legion quests at some point :)
Anyone have any tips for fighting Cazadors? I'm a melee user, and can do a ton of dmg to them but my only way to survive seems to be to use stealth, let them detect boone and use him as a tank, but he goes unconsious within the first few seconds, giving my only a small window to finish them all off. Is there no easy way to help survive against them? I already have the sub dermal implant, toughness 1 and currently something like 23 to 25 DT depending on what armour I use and they still kill me in just 3 or 4 hits (forcing me to spam stimpacks, use med-x, and stack several drinks I have to get a nice heal over time).
Anyone have any tips for fighting Cazadors? I'm a melee user, and can do a ton of dmg to them but my only way to survive seems to be to use stealth, let them detect boone and use him as a tank, but he goes unconsious within the first few seconds, giving my only a small window to finish them all off. Is there no easy way to help survive against them? I already have the sub dermal implant, toughness 1 and currently something like 23 to 25 DT depending on what armour I use and they still kill me in just 3 or 4 hits (forcing me to spam stimpacks, use med-x, and stack several drinks I have to get a nice heal over time).
I find both the Marksman Carbine and the Riot Shotgun to be remarkably effective (as well as the Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle).
Hope someone can help. (Possible spoiler below)

I need to return to Ambassador Crocker at The Strip, I know where I am going since I have been there (as in meeting him) before. I am to return to him after having no luck with trying to persuade The Kings to stop the violence. Thing is, Crocker isn't anywhere to be found.

Come to think of it, that's the third anomaly / bug in two days. The previous two were being attacked (for no reason whatsoever) in Boom when I was helping two sweet hearts to be together and the other (as mentioned in another post) was not being able to go back to Ceasar (or however you spell his name) because the guy at the dock is now no longer there!

Looks like I'll have to restart. :( If anyone can help then that would be great.

To top if off, I have also posted this in the wrong New Vegas thread. :D Well,...sort of.
^^Well, I thought I was right but it's worth a shot. I'll try anything, I've put in well over 40 hours now. If I have to restart I think I'll put this one aside for a while. :)
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