Fallout: New Vegas

Just downloaded that headshot mod.

It makes sniping and sneaking a lot more desirable, having enemies take bugger all damage from a clean headshot whilst wearing no helmet got really annoying really quick.
There is a speech glitch (at least I encountered one) with the dino shop guy where you can pass a speech check that doesn't go away.

Was nice for the speech challenge trophy :p
This patch just hit steam.

Fallout: New Vegas - Version 1.1.1

Companions now show up as waypoints on the map
Companions will always fast travel with you, unless told to wait or sent away
Fix: DLC error/save corruption
Fix: Stuttering with water effects
Fix: Severe performance issues with DirectX.
Fix: Controls temporarily disabled after reloading Cowboy Repeater while crouched
Fixed crash using the Euclid C-Finder while having the Heave Ho perk
Fix: Entering the strip after Debt Collector causes crash and autosave corruption
Fix: Using Mojave Express dropbox can cause DLC warnings
Fixed crash when buying duplicate caravan cards from a vendor in a single transaction
Crafting menu should filter valid (bright) recipes to the top of the list
Fix: Sitting down while looking down a weapon's ironsights leaves player control locked
Fix: If a companion is knocked unconscious with broken limbs they stay broken on respawn
Fix for varmint night scope effect persisting in kill cam
Fix for giving companions armor that adds STR does not increase their carry weight
Fix NPC Repair menu displays DAM as DPS
Having NPC repair service rifle with forged receiver decreases CND​
ah good stuff, I thought it had broken! I was getting this..

"fallout: new vegas does not appear to be installed and the installer could not be found"

It wasn't showing that an update was in progress. However its finished now, off to give it a test.
YES. Graphics performance is 10x better, lost the annoying stutter when looking round quickly.

Although a worrying glitch has appeared when I shoot bloatfly's, instead of dying, it says the bloatfly is unconscious :o Doesn't seem to affect people/other creatures though

"The evil gnome is just like any other common intact garden gnome or damaged garden gnome in stature, weight, and value but instead of the pointy, red hat and cheery demeanor, he sports a scowl and black-rimmed glasses. It is a reference to New Vegas's Lead World Builder Scott Everts (also known as "ScottE") based on the item's editor ID of "ScottEGnome" and its similarity in physical appearance. There is an alternate version of this item with the same stats and name, with the editor ID of "GawdyGnome"
Performance is MUCH better now.

When I removed the dll the game re-detected all my settings as Ultra, and it's running very nicely at 1680x1050 4xAA and looks like constant 60fps. (vsynced). The game also looks much better. It's a pity I've played so much with borked dx settings really - this is how the game should have been from day one.
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