Far Cry 4 due this November

I personally like it - and if you didn't know what the game was going to be like (mission/mechanic wise) seeing in the trailers months in advance, you have to take a look at yourself ;)

To put in to perspective - How many ppl have sat down and cried about how similar , say, cs:go, and, wait for it, other counter strike games, maybe left for dead as well - or pretty much every other sequel on the planet. That's the nature of a sequel...
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I think it's great. Gaming is no different to films, they find a formula that works and stick with it. Far Cry 3 was great and this is basically the same game set in a different location. Works for me.
I've been having a little play with Oxides profile and came up with this. Turned up some of the details and turned tree relief off as I like that detailed trees, also turned some of the UI details on to bring back a few things in the HUD. Check it out if you wish, zero stuttering and I mean that honestly. Vsync is also on so if you like it off, then change that to a "0" or do it in game, whatevs

<SoundProfile MusicEnabled="1" MasterVolume="100" Language="english" />
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<FireConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" />
<CompressedClasses />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
<Stat Value="0" />
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<quality ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" OtherQuality="high" EnvironmentQuality="ultrahigh" AntiPortalQuality="high" PortalQuality="high" PostFxQuality="ultrahigh" TextureQuality="ultrahigh" WaterQuality="ultrahigh" DepthPassQuality="high" VegetationQuality="ultrahigh" TerrainQuality="ultrahigh" GeometryQuality="ultrahigh" LightingQuality="high" ShadowQuality="high" ShadowCinematicQuality="high" EditorQuality="default" Hdr="1" HdrFP32="1" ReflectionHdr="1" EnableVertexBinding="1" id="custom" />
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<Accounts />
<GameProfile />
<RealTreeProfile Quality="Ultra" />
<PhysicConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" />
<QcConfig GatherFPS="1" GatherAICnt="1" GatherDialogs="0" IsQcTester="0" />
<InputConfig />
<ZoneConfig />
Id urge anyone who has recently played FC3 not to buy FC4 yet. It's the same and there's really no getting away from it.
Id urge anyone who has recently played FC3 not to buy FC4 yet. It's the same and there's really no getting away from it.

Is very similar but definitely different. You can't set auto drive on 3 and you can't fly the little helicopter. I enjoyed 3 and will no doubt enjoy 4 when I get round to it.
keep read only disabled as you'll prob want to go into the game options to have a play with some of the HUD options to suit. I like having it as clean as possible but with low opocity map and warning indicators.

Oh and I'm also running a sweetfx config as well to make the colours pop more found here http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/2527/
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keep read only disabled as you'll prob want to go into the game options to have a play with some of the HUD options to suit. I like having it as clean as possible but with low opocity map and warning indicators.

Oh and I'm also running a sweetfx config as well to make the colours pop more found here http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/2527/

Doesn't the game make its own config file with base settings if you don't enable read only? That was the case with watch dogs anyway.
Id urge anyone who has recently played FC3 not to buy FC4 yet. It's the same and there's really no getting away from it.

You urge people who liked Farcry 3 not to buy FC4 because it's the same? :rolleyes: it's a sequel & hence bears the same main title, so I urge you to look up the definition of sequel :a literary work, movie, game etc., that is complete in itself but continues the narrative of a preceding work.
There is so much more to FC4, the biggest advance in the entire series is that you can attack anything from the air & shoot single handed weapons inc a grenade launcher whilst driving a vehicle :eek:
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Finding thus pretty much unplayable with the stutter and mouse acceleration problems, tried all the suggested config fixes which have barely helped. Well peed off.

3930 @ 4.2 and 2x 7970 on the latest beta cats, so should have enough ummph to run it.
Yes agree about the stuttering. Awful when running and driving

But also the gun control and aiming is dodgy as hell. The textures are awful. How can you say its a good game?

The gun control and aiming I've found are fine, The textures for 99% of the game are fine unless you put your nose up to them like in any game and I can say it's a good game because it has enjoyable gameplay and dialogue it's just the stuttering that's letting it down.

Here's a shot of the really awful horrendous textures..... ;)

No real issues with the game for me, very similar to the 3rd, looked good but a few little bugs here and there such as falling through the floor. Eagles are a a pita though.

Game finished in about 38 hours, not 100% because, well I have some sort of social life :p

Replayed and finished it in under 20 mins too :D
FYI, Fridays 1.4 (or is it 1.04) patch was pulled as it caused more than it fixed inc black screen for some that had fixed it before.
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