Far Cry 4 due this November

Having the crushed black issue with the SLI. I'll wait for new drivers :/

Is SLI working ok now ?
Farcry 4 is another bad release for nvidia and ubisoft, there is a fc4 game ready driver (344.75) but this game has bad shadow and lighting issues with sli enabled, the game world is quite drab and the night time is way too dark you can't even see anything, a poor show so far, sli is working ok with 344.75. Too bad. But there is an unofficial workaround/fix with nvidia inspector, i'll wait for the official fix from nvidia and a patch from ubisoft. This game was rushed for the xmas period.
Am I the only one who finds TXAA too blurry? I can't get on with it at all, had the same issue with Watchdogs.... I find SMAA to be good enough & less of a performance hit as well. Getting almost 100 fps with SMAA.

Am I the only one who finds TXAA too blurry? I can't get on with it at all, had the same issue with Watchdogs.... I find SMAA to be good enough & less of a performance hit as well. Getting almost 100 fps with SMAA.


Nope. I too cannot stand TXAA in nay game. It's worse than FXAA and it gives everything a soft, muddy feel. I genuinely don't get it, or why it's lauded around like some sort of advantageous nvidia tech. It's pants.

I too find SMAA to be the best all round AA solution these days, either in game or via sweetfx.
This runs like absolute garbage on my pc for some reason....?

pc specs are:

win 8
Amd 8350 at 4.7ghz
crossfire 7970 oc to 1137mhz
Resolution: 2560 x 1600

I have forced crossfire to work using ccc profile and done the fix thats going around ( Changing D3D11MultithreadedRendering="1" to D3D11MultithreadedRendering="0" in the GamerProfile.xml file)

If I want anywhere near 60 fps I have to run in medium if I try high I'm down to 30-40fps most the time..... Totally gutted as I'm loving the game play but it looks and plays terrible :(
Really enjoying this game, just running off and doing whatever appears.

Surprised at how it runs, 6870 1gb, i5 at stock, 1920 x 1080, using borderless like the lord of the rings, runs great on high. looks great too. Got some artifacting last night tho, maybe temps, not sure yet.

I lost my save game and profile while doing a system restore. Could anyone who has played approx 4hours or 10% upload their savegame/profile please?

Massively appreciate this.
Well I finally have this game and I'm glad to say that none of the bad things people are experiencing have really affected me.

It installed smoothly and I quite like Uplay. Gameplay is good. I'm using a GTX780 and it runs fine with everything on ultra apart from aa which I set on x4 and have forgotten to change. I get slow downs sometimes but no more than any other demanding game. Average about 55-60 frames - though I am only on 1680x1050.

One thing that is annoying though is the 'lag' on the aiming. Someone else on here described it as having your mouse pointer stuck in mud. I recall having it in both FC2 and FC3.. I don't see why it's so difficult to allow the user to fully disable it.

Other than that and the fact that it really is a tad too much like FC3... its been fine and I'm enjoying it.
Not a bad game but it does stutter sometimes. It really only feels like some half decent DLC for Far Cry 3 so far though and glad it didn't cost me anything.
Sid, give me a second, I will see what % I have. Where should I upload a save file? Never uploaded any other that screenies.

7.71% Is that OK?
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Not a bad game but it does stutter sometimes. It really only feels like some half decent DLC for Far Cry 3 so far though and glad it didn't cost me anything.

Yeah it is a bit of a re skinned far cry 3. Not a bad thing though in my opinion. It doesn't really feel like DLC though. Massive new open map, new story and better graphics. Typical sequel really.
Having problems on nvidia?

The Fix
Go to Nvidia Control panel and set Power management mode to use prefer maximum performance and change maximum pre rendered frames to 3.
Boom. Stuttering gone, and i mean it. It's like getting a G SYNC monitor. Not a single hiccup. Not when driving, Not when walking in a town, not when fighting. And if it does slow down it's because my fps is genuinely going down because of the intensity of the scene. Fps average is 67 but rarely if ever does it drop lower than 55. This fixed the weird mouse stutter too. It's a whole new game now. None of the CPU cores EVER reach 100% anymore
Open the GamerProfile.xml file with Notepad Find GPUMaxBufferedFrames="0" and change to GPUMaxBufferedFrames="1"
and also DisableLoadingMip0 ="1". You don't have to do this to eliminate the stuttering but it wont eliminate completely, there will be slight micro stutter to the well trained eye. try it.
took this from over on the Guru3d forums, apparently people having some nice improvements in fps and stutter. Just about to give this a go tonight.

I was curious to see whether performance in FC4 would improve using FC3 settings, seeing as its the same engine just with a few additional settings like fur etc. So I replaced the gamerprofile.xml from FC3 and dropped it into the FC4 folder equivalent. Low and behold I got superior performance, and this is with my settings in FC3 set at ultra. It also fixed the mouse acceleration issue.

The downside is the FC3 profile doesn't have the extra settings like fur, trees, etc. So I decided to create my own hybrid gamerprofile.xml. Seems to work well. I get additional performance and its not placebo.

here are my settings:

	<SoundProfile MusicEnabled="1" MasterVolume="100" Language="english" />
	<ProfileSpecificGameProfile Sensitivity="1" MouseAcceleration="1" MouseAccelerationOn="0" MouseInvert_y="0" MouseInvert_y_Flying="0" MouseLookSensitivity="4.17232" Invert_x="0" Invert_y="0" Invert_y_Flying="1" Swap_Triggers="0" Flip_Triggers="0" InvertSticks="0" DefaultFlickFireDirection_y="0" ControllerLayoutVehicle="0" ControllerLayoutBuzzer="0" UseMouseSmooth="0" Smoothness="1" Smoothness_Ironsight="1" HelpCrosshair="0" Gamepad_vibration="1" UseRoadSignHilight="1" SubtitlesLanguage="invalid_language" TaggingEnabled="0" WikiUpdatedEnabled="1" CollectibleUpdatedEnabled="0" TutorialUpdatedEnabled="0" ObjectiveReminderEnabled="0" CraftingTipsEnabled="0" DisplayXPEnabled="0" DetectionIndicatorEnabled="0" HitIndicatorEnabled="0" ExplosiveIndicatorEnabled="1" MapIndicatorEnabled="0" HealthIndicatorEnabled="0" CrouchIndicatorEnabled="0" KarmaIndicatorEnabled="0" AmmoIndicatorEnabled="0" MinimapOpacity="3" LootReadoutEnabled="0" CoopPartnerIndicatorEnabled="0" UseAmbx="0" GamepadFeedbackLayout="0" Autosave="1" Machete="0" DrivingAssistEnabled="0" DifficultyLevel="1" IronsightToggleMode="1" ShowPVPTips="0" ShowPVPTimer="0" ShowPVPScorebar="0" ShowPVPPlayerTags="0" ShowPVPObituaryMessages="0" ShowPVPNotifications="0" ShowPVPMasterVoiceToggle="0" ShowPVPFactionPowerUpIcons="0" ShowPVPPlayerNames="0" PlayPVPIntroVideo="0" HasVisitedCoopMenu="0" SelectedLanguage="english" Coop_Friends_Only="0" DrivingAutoAimEnabled="1">
		<FireConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" />
		<CompressedClasses />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
			<Stat Value="0" />
	<RenderProfile AntiAliasingMode="0" MSAALevel="2" UseTrippleBuffering="1" VSyncMode="1" UseMotionBlur="1" SDSM="1" SSAOLevel="2" EnableNvidiaPCSS="1" GodRaysLevel="1" FurLevel="1" TreeTessellationLevel="1" Version="1" AlphaToCoverage="1" ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" Quality="ultrahigh" QualityEditor="editor_ps3" Fullscreen="1" Borderless="0" UseD3D11="1" D3D11MultithreadedRendering="1" WidescreenLetterbox="0" UseWidescreenFOV="1" FOVScaleFactor="0.997408" AspectRatio="4" VSync="0" VSyncWindow="0" RefreshRate="0" DisableLoadingMip0="0" GPUMaxBufferedFrames="1" ShowFPS="1" Brightness="1" Contrast="1" CalibrationScreensShown="0" GammaRamp="1" AllowAsynchShaderLoading="1" SafeFrameAreaWidth="0.85" SafeFrameAreaHeight="0.85">
			<quality ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" OtherQuality="high" EnvironmentQuality="high" AntiPortalQuality="high" PortalQuality="high" PostFxQuality="high" TextureQuality="high" WaterQuality="high" DepthPassQuality="high" VegetationQuality="high" TerrainQuality="high" GeometryQuality="high" LightingQuality="high" ShadowQuality="high" ShadowCinematicQuality="high" EditorQuality="default" Hdr="1" HdrFP32="1" ReflectionHdr="1" EnableVertexBinding="1" id="custom" />
	<NetworkProfile VoiceChatEnabled="1" CustomMapMaxUploadRateInBitsOnline="10240000" OnlineEnginePort="9000" OnlineServicePort="9001" FileTransferHostPort="9002" FileTransferClientPort="9003" LanHostBroadcastPort="9004" LanClientBroadcastPort="9005" ScanFreePorts="1" ScanPortRange="1000" ScanPortStart="9000" SessionProvider="" MaxUploadInbpsOnline="10240000">
		<Accounts />
	<GameProfile />
	<RealTreeProfile Quality="Ultra" />
		<PhysicConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" />
		<QcConfig GatherFPS="1" GatherAICnt="1" GatherDialogs="0" IsQcTester="0" />
		<InputConfig />
		<ZoneConfig />

if you set the gamerprofile to read only after tweaking, the game will crash if you attempt to change settings. So best to get the way you want before thinking of doing that.
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