Far Cry 6

Tell me about it. BT haven't activated the cabinet for fibre and say they have no plans to do so, so I can't get anything more than ADS2+ speeds from any ISP. And Virgin refuse to install on the property.
Wow that does suck. I had that speed like around 20 years ago as I recall. Currently I download at around 28 times that speed for £25 a month and could go much faster but don’t see the point as it feels like waste of money.
Tell me about it. BT haven't activated the cabinet for fibre and say they have no plans to do so, so I can't get anything more than ADS2+ speeds from any ISP. And Virgin refuse to install on the property.

I've dodged a bullet in that regard - I can get around 60/30 on 4G and FTTC 30/5 for latency sensitive stuff - go 20-30 yards either side of my house and they are lucky to get more than about 3MBit ADSL2 or 10MBit or so on a good day on 4G.

Only the 4 houses, 1 being mine, in the village get FTTC as we are on a different exchange to everything south of us.
As for FC6 - I think I'll get the finished product right about when it becomes half price. As like all new games, paying full retail for a beta (which is the norm) is madness.

Some of the reviews say without texture pack the graphics are FC1 level - with the HD pack making it the same as FC5. JUst a poorly released beta. It'll get fixed/optimized no doubt.
This game will not launch on my PC.

Boot into menu, if I try and run a benchy or launch campaign just boots back to desktop every single time. Will not launch into benchmark or game on this PC at all.

Works fine on my laptop. Any help appreciated (:

PC sped is, Windows 11, RTX 3070, 5800X 16GB DDR4 4000. Latest drivers and BIOS. All other current games work fine, back 4 blood etc..
Haha - joker! Every game I play always gets one notch up from the default setting. I dont play on nightmare modes I must admit as I only do that when you replay it which is rare these days. :p
Yeah, I always play on normal. It is not fun getting frustrated a lot. Now if it is too easy then I bump it up. As you say when playing a second time then I move up a difficulty. That is what I remember doing on Resident Evil 3, I completed on Normal, then Hardcore, then Nightmare and then finally again on one called Inferno. To be fair I had unlocked some better weapon’s by the time I got to higher difficulties. Managed to get all 100% of achievements on that game (only ever done that on a few games) :D
Yeah, I always play on normal. It is not fun getting frustrated a lot. Now if it is too easy then I bump it up. As you say when playing a second time then I move up a difficulty. That is what I remember doing on Resident Evil 3, I completed on Normal, then Hardcore, then Nightmare and then finally again on one called Inferno. To be fair I had unlocked some better weapon’s by the time I got to higher difficulties. Managed to get all 100% of achievements on that game (only ever done that on a few games) :D

Valhalla is that bad due to the armour/sockets/weapons once you get halfway in I found the enemies too weak, but maybe that's my minmax'ing skills from years of gaming turning Eivor into a machine. If you use 2x spear build its faceroll so went back to 1h/shield just to slow down the pace. Top difficulty doesn't make much difference.
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