Far Cry 6

Yay more empty fields to spend running across. Im definitly going to be waiting for peoples thoughts on this one, 1, 3 and 4 were the best by far, 2 i hated, and 5 was a bit poor, got so bored of the drug aspect of it.

2 had good aspects, but I couldn’t get over the constantly respawning enemies at checkpoints. The fire effects were cool.

5 was great until you started to get kidnapped randomly. I’m out of reach on a silo, no one can get to me, then I somehow get whacked over the head. Don’t even get me started on the ending.
Can't get myself excited for this, TBH. I couldn't finish 4 and skipped Primal, 5 and New Dawn.

Those games get samey really fast.

I only tolerate Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft because of the fantastic settings but even then, Odyssey killed me with copy&paste. I don't suppose this will be much different but I wouldn't mind to be pleasantly surprised.
Yeah i'm going to get Primal when i have some spare pennies to rub together, I have Farcry 5 and was going to play through it soon so i'm gonna have to be quick as i really want to play 5

You can play Far Cry 5 before Primal. They are unrelated story wise. Also personally I didn't much like Primal. But others seem to like.
Bought these days FC4 and 5 since they were on sale. My God how backwards the series has went since 2, even with nVIDIA and AMD's support... Just wow.
At this rate, FC6 would be a good buy when it's $4.99. Can't hold too much hope for this release.
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You can play Far Cry 5 before Primal. They are unrelated story wise. Also personally I didn't much like Primal. But others seem to like.

I just meant i'll play that one first as i always forget it even exists. I want to play but like i say, for whatever reason, i forget about it. That might be a sign i'm not that into it haha but i gotta try!
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