Favourite Jailbroken Applications

Any ideas on how to control your iPhone 4 from your computer over 3G?

I've seen Veency and screenSplitr but none of them work without a WiFi connection (no WiFi at work). iTunnel seems like a viable option but wondering if there's anything newer out?
Remember guys......the more tweaks and apps you install from Cydia, which end up as MobileSubstrate Addons, the slower your phone becomes!

A good way of seeing how slow your phone has become is by seeing how long it takes to respring using the animated circle thingy that appears. For reference mine now takes 1.6sec to respring. Use to be 1.9sec but i removed a lot of the toggles that i don't use in SBSettings and got rid of SiriUtils.

It takes about 0.75sec to respring a freshly jailbroken phone with no cydia stuff installed.

So moral of the story is......don't overload your phone.
Remember guys......the more tweaks and apps you install from Cydia, which end up as MobileSubstrate Addons, the slower your phone becomes!

A good way of seeing how slow your phone has become is by seeing how long it takes to respring using the animated circle thingy that appears. For reference mine now takes 1.6sec to respring. Use to be 1.9sec but i removed a lot of the toggles that i don't use in SBSettings and got rid of SiriUtils.

It takes about 0.75sec to respring a freshly jailbroken phone with no cydia stuff installed.

So moral of the story is......don't overload your phone.
Yep, I run the bare minimum really, and I'm guessing that iFile counts as an app?

Even so mine doesn't take long to respring, but them again I'm only using iFile and NoAccSplash. I'm not really a fan of all of those other themes and effects that you on those 'top 10 Cydia tweaks' type sites.

Do you know if different models have different respring times?

Imagine a 4s would be quite a bit faster than a 3GS?
Mines taking a while at the moment. Got a lot installed whilst trialing what I want on and off.

Action Menu
Assistant Extensions
Clever Pin
Folder Enhancer
Hands Free Control
Installous 4
Kill Background
Lock Info
MyWi 5.0
Password Pilot
Speed Intensifier
SpringTomIse 2
Stay Opened
Yep, I run the bare minimum really, and I'm guessing that iFile counts as an app?

Even so mine doesn't take long to respring, but them again I'm only using iFile and NoAccSplash. I'm not really a fan of all of those other themes and effects that you on those 'top 10 Cydia tweaks' type sites.

Do you know if different models have different respring times?

Imagine a 4s would be quite a bit faster than a 3GS?

iFile does not add a MobileSubstrate so it runs like an app so your fine with that.

Yes, different models have different times as the processor does come into it.

The stuff that really slows it down is tweaks and addons for SIRI as these are running constantly, even when the phone is locked, eating up your RAM, and running constant processes in the background. "Hands Free Control" is one of the worst tweaks ive encountered. When using it, my memory would go from 250mb~ to 120mb~ and the phone would lag. Avoid like the plague! You have to remember these are new tweaks which really haven't been fine tuned yet. They will get better as time goes on and newer versions come out.

SBSettings is another one that is hungry. You can minimise the usage by cutting down on the number of toggles.

I would really recommend doing a lot of changes to the iOS rather than using an app to do it. Cut down reliance on apps as much as possible (when customising) and only have what you use.

Another thing ive found is that when you install an app from a .deb file is does not have the same affect as installing directly from a Cydia repo. An example of this is that i recently installed Copics from a deb file and noticed my phone seamed to lag a little. I removed it, removed all traces of it using iFile and then installed directly from Cydia repo. Lag is gone.

PS. When you uninstall an app from Cydia, it does not always remove all traces! The settings file and the MobileSubstrate (MS) generally get left behind. Use Springtomise to delete the settings file and turn off the MS.

Think of these MS as an Apple service such as Location services. If it runs all the time it consumes memory, power and battery.

LockInfo is one of my favourite Cydia addons. It also isn't a resource hog. The reason for this is because the Author is a great programmer and has fine tuned his skill over several years. This is one of the reasons i pay for it!
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IntelliScreenX does look more resource happy. He does mention it does drain the battery.
I've never used it because ive always gone with LockInfo.
I've been a long time lockinfo fan, but am using ISX at the mo due to lockinfo, or something of it hammering my battery...

I think its the stock weather widget thats doing it, but its shows in ISX and its fine....

ISX IMO, is great on battery usage, and thats with twitter, RRS feeds and mail all running.

Its odd because LI on my iP4 was great, but something on this phone is battering the battery, i went from 80-1% in about 6 hours when LI was installed... I think its maybe using GPS constantly, maybe i'll try deleting all the LI settings files that Ps just posted about and try reinstalling it, see if that helps....
^ There haven't been any JB apps yet that have been known to do this, and even if there were I'm sure they would be removed from Cydia pretty sharpish!
PS. When you uninstall an app from Cydia, it does not always remove all traces! The settings file and the MobileSubstrate (MS) generally get left behind. Use Springtomise to delete the settings file and turn off the MS.

Think of these MS as an Apple service such as Location services. If it runs all the time it consumes memory, power and battery.
Great post, in fact when I first jailbroke my iPod last year I installed every tweak known to man and it ran like a dog, and this would explain why. Now I'd rather just have better battery life even if things aren't so pretty. ;)

I ended up doing a restore in the end, and now I only really jailbreak now in order to run iFile, and maybe a few minor tweaks.

Springtomise is a nice little tweak however, it's handy being able to disable certain things. In fact I found disabling spotlight on my old 2nd gen iPod touch made things faster, I'm guessing I must have freed up some memory.
Good advice on mobilesubstrates as too many noob JB'ers end up going overboard on them and wondering why their apps keep crashing (low ram). I never JB my iPad1 as a result given that the thing has just 256mb.

Regarding LI and battery usage, it is far lighter than bloated Intelliscreen although I don't know what the version X is like vs the old Intelliscreen I beta'd during the iPhone 3G days. Either way, ensure that the app isn't accessing GPS all the time i.e fetching local weather and displaying it on the lockscreen - if it is, then that is the source of your battery drain right there.

I made the same mistake with LI, which uses the built in iOS weather widget. I selected 'show local weather', and had forgot that it uses the GPS to fetch your location. So everytime I brought up the lockscreen, I would see the GPS arrow and hello battery drain!
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