Favourite Jailbroken Applications

well I woke up this morning and everything was broken, loads of blank icons on desktop and stuff randomly everywhere.

restored it, rejailbroke and just installed mywi and 5 icon dock.... winterboard and lockinfo left off as battery life had got a lot worse...

i think the whole jailbreak thing is abit of a waste of time, the beauty of the iphone as you don't need to hack it to make it good, it is already :)
How's everyone finding battery life? My iPhone 4 managed to chew through 36% of its battery in 7 hours overnight!
Have you tried simply dragging an extra icon down onto the dock? :p

Lol no :(

that worked, must think outside the box more :D


EDIT: Anyone got a nice theme to change the phone dial pad? And also recommendations on ringer and sms tone changes?
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Winterboard appears to slow down pretty much any iPhone I've tried with a JB so it could be that.
I've said this pretty much time and time again. It is winterboard slowing your device down - it's been utter crap since OS3.0 performance wise. It's a shame that other than good old manual theming, there isn't another way to customise your phone.

Dump winterboard, and stick with the other apps and you'll have a blazing fast phone again.

I've JB'd my iPhone 4G. Not had a single issue so far. I'm running SBSSettings, LockInfo, FiveIconDock, Cyntact and 60secLockscreen. I used this same combo on my old 3G and even that was as fast as a non-jb'd 3G. Battery life hasn't decreased at all at this early stage.

I have de-activated a whole load of mobile substrates (background apps) that come with various apps via SBSettings though. I hate the fact that LockInfo installs Activator, so I disable that and a few others.
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I've said this pretty much time and time again. It is winterboard slowing your device down - it's been utter crap since OS3.0 performance wise. It's a shame that other than good old manual theming, there isn't another way to customise your phone.

Dump winterboard, and stick with the other apps and you'll have a blazing fast phone again.

I've JB'd my iPhone 4G. Not had a single issue so far. I'm running SBSSettings, LockInfo, FiveIconDock, Cyntact and 60secLockscreen. I used this same combo on my old 3G and even that was as fast as a non-jb'd 3G. Battery life hasn't decreased at all at this early stage.

I have de-activated a whole load of mobile substrates (background apps) that come with various apps via SBSettings though. I hate the fact that LockInfo installs Activator, so I disable that and a few others.

I've noticed a few substrates that I didn't mow were there. Which are safe to kill?
Do you need to install a push and youtube fix after JB'ing this time? I'm still not sure, I can only really think that Notifier or Lockinfo would be any use. I liked SBSettings but I only really used it turn my Wifi off but with the fast app switching now it doesn't really matter as my settings screen is always on the Wifi bit. I had the MyTouchHD theme on my 3GS for a while but apart from that I only used Winterboard to get a background and that now comes as standard. hmmmm
Nah, that's not it. Ws fine before the jailbreak - http://img.ly/1LXO

Ive noticed this as well. I have push, bluetooth, wifi all turned off yet now I struggle to get a full day from a charge. Before the jailbrake i could get a couple of days easy.

The only thing I have installed from cydia and SBSettings. :confused:

Noticed this when I use to always have my phone jailbroken, goign right back to the original iPhone. while SBS settigns is pretty handy its the only thing I bother with and its not worth the shocking battery life that effects my phone once its been jailbroken.
Ive noticed this as well. I have push, bluetooth, wifi all turned off yet now I struggle to get a full day from a charge. Before the jailbrake i could get a couple of days easy.

The only thing I have installed from cydia and SBSettings. :confused:

Noticed this when I use to always have my phone jailbroken, goign right back to the original iPhone. while SBS settigns is pretty handy its the only thing I bother with and its not worth the shocking battery life that effects my phone once its been jailbroken.

Did SBSettings install Activator too?
hmm, but when activator is removed you cant access the SBSettings by swipping the screen, making it useless. arghhhhh really begining to hate my iPhone. Think im gonna have to try again getting it back to 3.1.3 and leave it un jailbroken.
Anyone else having a problem with visual voicemail- on mine, I go through the setup procedure (enter PIN, record greeting etc), and voicemail works fine, but after a reboot or respring, I have to set it all up again. My vms are still there so it looks like a phone issue, not an o2 issue.

Mine was jailbroken yesterday (Wednesday). I'm 90% sure it did this a couple of times before I jailbroke though.....
Anyone else having a problem with visual voicemail- on mine, I go through the setup procedure (enter PIN, record greeting etc), and voicemail works fine, but after a reboot or respring, I have to set it all up again. My vms are still there so it looks like a phone issue, not an o2 issue.

Mine was jailbroken yesterday (Wednesday). I'm 90% sure it did this a couple of times before I jailbroke though.....

To answer myself..... a "reset all settings" fixes the voicemail issue, when I set it up it remembers it.

....Except now I have the "passcode lock" issue, which means I can only set it to "immediately", rather than my accustomed "1 hour" settings.

I just restored a backup and the passcode thing is fixed but the voicemail problem is back, so it looks like I have to choose one or the other (or do a full restore and rejailbreak, and set up all my j/b apps again......). Poo!
hmm, but when activator is removed you cant access the SBSettings by swipping the screen, making it useless. arghhhhh really begining to hate my iPhone. Think im gonna have to try again getting it back to 3.1.3 and leave it un jailbroken.

Are you sure about the swipe not initiating SBS? As I said I've got Activator disabled, and I can still swipe and activate SBS just fine. It was the same setup on my old 3G too.

I've noticed a few substrates that I didn't mow were there. Which are safe to kill?

These are the mobile substrates that I can see thanks to SBSSettings. They all have some use to an extent.

60secLockscreen = On
Activator = Off - Installed with LockInfo. A nice app but just not required for lockscreen functionality.
Cyntact = On
DisplayStack = Off - Iirc this was installed with either SBS or FiveIconDock. No idea what it does.
FiveIconDock = On
LockInfo = On
LockInfoMail = On
LockInfoPhone = On
PreferenceLoader = Off. It adds the preference pane in Settings.app for various JB apps. I just setup my JB apps and then disable this once I'm done.
LibHide = A small substrate used by SBS to hide icons of various apps of your choice e.g stocks, weather widgets.
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Its OK, ive finally been able to get my phone back to 3.1.3 :)

I had to stick Windows XP on a virtual machine to get iREB to kick it out of the recovery loop but at last its back to running properly again.

The only crapper is it wouldnt restore my old phone so I have had to set it up as a new phone, will take me a hour or 2 to get it to how I had it but at least I wont have the 10 sec wait until I can text etc.

Wont be upgrading the IOS again anytime soon, not until I hear nothing but good things about 3g speed anyways.
Wifi should have hardly any bearing on battery life when not in use, it doesn't on my iPhone 4 anyway.

It didn't make any difference on my 3G either, but i HAVE to turn it off when im not using it on my 4 because it destroys the battery life otherwise.
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