FF's trying to get back on the wagon training

Yeah - it's an old habit that's trying hard not to die. :( I know I'm losing a lot of force from getting my feet off the ground - even with powercleans, no matter what weight's on the bar, I seem to take off.

I do need to concentrate on keeping feet on floor and moving my whole body under. It's laziness - I know that sounds contradictory - but it really is.

I'm glad that the feedback is similar to what I was expecting and not with any gremlins I wasn't aware of! :)
" (was distracted by the moron that walked in front of me for the left hand snatch - it shows! )"

THIS, THIS, THIS! I hate this. Nothing more annoying when some space invader walks far too close when you're doing a massively explosive movement with a huge ROM. I'm liking the snatches though, really want to get more involved with olympic lifts, but have to really sort out mobility first.
Yeah - it's an old habit that's trying hard not to die. :( I know I'm losing a lot of force from getting my feet off the ground - even with powercleans, no matter what weight's on the bar, I seem to take off.

I do need to concentrate on keeping feet on floor and moving my whole body under. It's laziness - I know that sounds contradictory - but it really is.

I'm glad that the feedback is similar to what I was expecting and not with any gremlins I wasn't aware of! :)

Laziness is a product of being too strong. :) Use a barbell with some real weight! :D
You've already said it but I'll chime in, you've a tendancy to flare the feet and the jump is to blame, perhaps your start position is a little too wide which is exacerbating the flare at the finish.

Awesome work though, that's a seldom seen exercise, I got told off for doing those in DW Bangor :/
No I know, might give them bash next week :)

Just remember to keep your core braced, as the dumbell is a lot lower than a dead barbell. And remember the lift is from the glutes (with some quads)->traps. Not your back. Look how low FF gets on his lifts...

The easiest way to practice this (and for me to explain it) is to get a dumbell held on-handed at your hip, assume a partial squat position (shoulders back, etc.) and rocket your pelvis forward and up as hard and fast as it will go. Kettle-bell swings are similar in movement, but not as explosive. As you do this, shrug your shoulders as hard and fast as you can and let your elbow travel up.

All the while keeping your core braced hard so your torso doesn't flail about.

Sound like something else? Good, because it should. ;) :D
You've already said it but I'll chime in, you've a tendancy to flare the feet and the jump is to blame, perhaps your start position is a little too wide which is exacerbating the flare at the finish.

Awesome work though, that's a seldom seen exercise, I got told off for doing those in DW Bangor :/

No please do give feedback, that's why I posted! Olympic lifts aren't my forte - whilst weightlifting/nutrition/lifestyle is something I know a lot about - I've only more recently got into this sort of explosive/dynamic work - so I'm all ears for feedback! :)

I'd be furious if I wasn't allowed to do this sort of work at the gym - and fortunately they know me fairly well now, and know I'm not a **** when it comes to exercise. However, it is crowded, and there isn't much room for proper Oly work - and dropping weights does cause a big bang which they frown at.

Laziness is a product of being too strong. :) Use a barbell with some real weight! :D

haha - yeah, I need to come on a weekend when there is no one here. It's just too crowded and people have no understanding of doing this sort of explosive big ROM movements and it's dangerous to do it. I could get away with hang to snatch - but still nervous about doing it in that gym,

I need to nail form though - but I think as you say it's a mixture of pure power, strength, wrong technique and sort of weight.

What I am glad to see is my movement - I seem much more fluid than I used to be and my core is reasonably strong.

Right - going to study my form and my motion carefully - thanks for all the pointers. :)
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" (was distracted by the moron that walked in front of me for the left hand snatch - it shows! )"

THIS, THIS, THIS! I hate this. Nothing more annoying when some space invader walks far too close when you're doing a massively explosive movement with a huge ROM. I'm liking the snatches though, really want to get more involved with olympic lifts, but have to really sort out mobility first.

Amen bro.
Hehehehe... I know exactly what you mean.

Our gym is in the middle of one of our office buildings, and the guys next door complain if the music's even too loud. So lo and behold, they complained to the resident coach when I first broke out the jerk blocks.

So now I train at 7:15 in the morning. None of the other resident curlers say anything because apparently, snatches, jerks and cleans are scary and mean the lifter is unapproachable.

This = me having lots of space to throw weights around and make loadsa noize. :D

Is weekend early morning training an option for you?
Those look strong FF. When I've fixed my overhead range I'd love to give these ago.
34kg - realised the vids weren't great so I did a side profile shot for you guys. This was the 2nd set of 34*3. :)

After my deload I'm just going to have a week of "playing" - i.e. just doing some med/high volume stuff before going on to cycle 3 of 5/3/1. A couple more cycles, and then I'm going to mix it up, maybe do some westside barbell hybrid. Will see how I feel in a month's or so time. :)
Fun - Push / Pull session

Bench Press

Lots of mobility warm up - felt goooooood.

Gym was amazingly empty.



Dropset 60*11 - dat pump





Neutral grip chins:

Really struggled with these - so much bicep activation!


Really struggled with those today - dead!

Quite a fun session overall - quick and in and out (just how I like it ;)).

Actually spent about 15mins helping some people with their squats - they came and asked me for help, so I did - they got it really well and seemed to continue to do well. Wish I could spot myself to see if I'm going by my own advice! :p

Got a fun sesh with a trainer on Friday (strength coach that sometimes comes into the gym) just a casual **** around - always end up dead after those sessions though! :D Might see if he can give me some tips on some Oly lifts.
The guys that helped you with your squats, you could have got them to film yours for you?

I like that your sessions have such few exercises in them :) unbelievably strong rowing though!

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