Fidget Spinners (and other toys) Thread [Image heavy]

ok one thing I don't get, if you want something to fidget with, then spinning something and staying as still as possible for 4 mins surely is the most counter productive thing you can do?

The cube looks like a good idea, as you ACTUALLY DO STUFF.

You don't sit there still and look at it for 4 minutes, you just hold it in 1 hand and spin it while you're doing other stuff.
Hipsters smoking thier vape dildos whilst spinning one of those stupid things to impress the ladyezz
I was going to ask how the hell this has ANYthing to do with vaping... until:

But despite being sold by a vape shop type place, I am still wondering what the point is... it's not even vaguely connected.

I can see the use of a cheap fidget cube boasting loads of different things with which to fiddle... was even thinking about getting myself one, rather than annoying the work folks with all my desk tapping and stuff... but a single, pricey spinny thing just sounds so limited.
If I'm sat next to someone on a sofa, it can get quite irritating apparently. :D I can't help it. I've always done it. Haha.
I've been threatened with violence by the people sharing a sofa with me in the past :D While I just look confused because I don't have a clue I'm doing it.
My mum will come round and clout you round the head for £50 to stop you fidgeting. I used to get it for free but seems now there is money to be made....
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I was in the Red Lion in Chipping Campden last night and the woman on the next table had one. I had a go for a minute but went on to annoy everybody with my Jon Bonham drumming on the table and floor.
Lol whats with all the hatred for the spinners? I personally don't see the usefulness of the spinners myself but I have 2 of the cubes, they help quite allot.

Keep in mind the prices and links the OP has posted are the expensive ones due to the material/looks pretty/sound characteristics etc. You can get the spinners for like £6 quid and the cubes for £3-5 from everyone FAVORITE auction site, which do virtually the same thing.
Lol whats with all the hatred for the spinners?
I think it's the marketing BS that comes with these, that people hate most.
Clearly we're all retards and special needs ***** who need toys in order to focus our ADHD... and these are the best (most expensive) ones going - They make you stop smoking, they're multifunction tools (you can hold them, spin them, hold them, spin them, or hold them...), they cure PTSD, relieve stress (which was only caused when you realised how much you just spent), eliminate all manner of mental health issues... They're even Tacticool EDC items, too, for all you gun-toting prepper American ADHD people out there...

And don't forget, a spinner that does one thing is the ultimate fiddle toy, whereas a cube with six functions is not... clearly.

"They're also good to help with anxiety, autism and ADHD".
Yeah, so is my dog, but she provides far more engagement and enjoyment than a kid's windmill.
I have a fidget cube. It was a gift from the gf to stop me being annoying whilst watching TV. I tend to bit my nails or fiddle with the remote control so now I have a cube to distract me. It's a bit to bulky to carry around in your jeans pocket though so I tend to leave it laying about and forget about it.

Only people that actively 'fidget' will understand the use. Everyone else just thinks WTF.
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