You can't post something like that and not show us the 11 hero's!
After watching AirJapes for a few hours gone down the 4321 route with some strange tactics, figured with 442 I was never going to get past the Gold 1 I'd hit when in full try hard mode so figured I may at least have some variety.
The 11 hero's
Also used some very very odd tactics and it worked brilliantly for me.
Thanks man, I'm the same I know the rewards are trash but it's some sense of accomplishment for the game. The latest patch has made the game more enjoyable for me, but the servers were terrible yesterday and that's the most important factor imo.Gratz @Quinnaay. Ever since WL was introduced in 17 it's been my personal goal to hit elite at least once during the yearly cycle. Ended up 20-8 even after my downer of a comment previously. Ps+ runs out in a month so figured I'll keep playing then and call it quits after.
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