** FIFA 2009 League ** (360) - That time again!

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
It doesn't help I change the formation every game I play! Portsmouth in theory are very good I just can't use them, it's weird. I bet I'd get better results playing with Leeds who are 2 1/2 star, It's weird how it all works.

I'd expect your predictions will be correct Rob
23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Fubsy is on a downer :D

On ranked, I've won 16 in a row now the losses I have most were penalty shootouts which I NEVER win, I don't think I could be anymore unlucky in penalty shootouts, it's ridiculous!
It was like 08 really, when everyone gets the game they suck but gradually get better as far as ranked games go. They've had three weeks on me too!
23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
I'm thinking of what to do once the two leagues are completed, I'm predicting people won't get their games finishes and will be kicked from the league and/or they'll drop out anyway as some players can't be arsed by the looks of it. Same old story as usual...

So depending on the end number of players I may just have one league next.
23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Argh, I stayed up until 3am trying to figure out why I'm playing so bad, yet I managed to lose every single game I played, I just can't find space, it's like the opponent just holds down A and are like magnets twoards my players, but for some reason I can't pass it round them because they always intercept my passes :(

I can't tackle for **** either now, seems players just run along side/can't catch up. This game has a certain way of playing it that just seems to elude me atm :(

That usually happens on football games I find, one week you can't lose, the next you can't do anything right. I'm sure you'll "recover" from this..
23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
That's it though, yu don't have to wait on FIFA to wait for a game, just bloody communicate in here and organise a team yet people can't manage that. It really infuriates me as I know it's gonna happen everytime. It's like being at primary school again!

But yes your right, unfortunately we'd only have a small number of players. I know the uber reliable ones and they're the majority of the ones that played in all the leagues/cups in 08.
23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
The problem andy, and its a common problem with leagues, is people lose interest when they have nothing to play for, its a shame, but smaller leagues playing each other twice would be better.

3 or 4 division of 10-12 folk.

I know mate, but in the end, I play these leagues, not to win, but purely just to play the guys on here I know from the forum and share in the banter in here.

People know what they're playing for when signing up (nothing) yet can't be bothered to participate. It's not even losing interest it's not being arsed to put the game in and play, yet they sign up anyway, it baffles me!

The next league will be invite only from me, not asking for people to sign up anymore. I'll go with what you say also.

By the way I'm being very premature getting arsey with this as the league hasn't exactly been active long but I know when people are rarely playing games fromt he start it only gets worse.
23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
He, I, and others have done, but you need to realised its a fun League, for a game, not a matter of life or death, I've been on Saints Row a lot of late because it was new, fun, and fresh, and after 9 weeks constants of Fifa, it was starting to get a bit stale, but I played 2 league matches last night and will be around to try a few at some point this evening, but I'm not going to sit on the League screen for hours on end, waiting for someone to come on, If you and Sarah are around this afternon/evening, name a time and you know I'll be there if its arranged dude.

If FIFA has become stale then you shouldn't of comitted to the league mate, nor should you of if you bought other games.
You were a no show in the last league I organised so was a bit dubious of your commitment to this one as well tbh.

I know it's not a matter of life or death but to have fun you have to actually turn up for your games, I had to chase you yesterday that's why you turned up!

Like I have mentioned above I don't expect anyone to sit on FIFA, I don't, it's a matter of communicating on here and arrange a time or posting when your of on FIFA so people know, the people that are lacking in playing games never post in here that's what pee's me off.

We're at a haloween partay tonight so won't be on fella.
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