Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

They've posted that they're aware of it now. From the sounds of it on other forums it's happening to everyone as soon as they try and zone, then can't get back in.
I got nothing else to do on my main class because the only quest i have is telling me to use the duty finder, and i cant go to another area because quests unlock while progressing through the main quest.

I guess i should look at levelling another class or look at crafting or something while the duty finder is broke.

I just don't really want to play anything else but my main class right now. :(
Ah so it isn't just me then. At this point its hard to tell whether its the internet here at i49 or SE's server issues because both are being extremely dodgy atm.
One half of me is enjoying it because it's new, the other half is thinking its a terrible levelling experience and to have to do it several times for all the specs/jobs...and this is with all the rested xp I've saved up from the beta. Not looking forward to it when rested runs out. >_<
My advice would be to not rush it too hard, play it on and off when you feel like it. I've been doing a few off jobs while waiting for the duty finder
Me and my friends are around level 30 now and enjoying it so far apart from all the obvious server problems. Problem is we all started on a German server called Shiva. We had no idea it was a german server when we joined it during phase 4. Bad times.
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