Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

I'm only level 32 on my main and there is still a hell of a lot I don't know but when I first started I was completely overwhelmed but following the main story quest really guides you through the process so start there and pick up any other side quests you fancy.
Got to 62 on my Paladin last night. I've managed to do 50 to 62 in the past week or so. 60+ feels like it is going quickly and there is a lot of stuff to do. I've been lucky enough to have a regular group of 7 others to do all the Duty stuff so its been good!
Does anyone else get crashing to desktop? It looks like directx errors, and tbh it's making me want to get a refund. I've got a fairly decent system, and my GPU doesn't go above 70c, so I can't figure it out :(
Man, Really addicted to this at the moment :O Currently level 25 just progressing through the story and side quests with a plus.
Ended up on Omega so currently has Double XP which is nice.
I'm on cerberus where they are trying to get people to leave, but the queues are pretty much gone now so no need to move. I've hit 60 and almost finished the Heavensward patch content so soon be into Stormblood and should be 61 by I start it. Still loving the story, this has got to be the only time I've ever really been fully hooked by story in an MMO.
70 on my Paladin now and currently levelling all my crafting and gathering professions at the same time. Got everything to 20 currently, will take a while but it makes sense for me to do them all at the same time and use just the 2 sets of gear on the way.

With my friends, I also managed to clear the new raid last week (twice over so that all 8 of us got loot from each boss), I managed to walk away with the completed gloves and boots. We'll clear it again this week and also the extreme trials. Really enjoying it so far, loving the crafting a lot more than I thought.
I'm thinking of, despite my history with this game, reactivating my account and trying again. I always left after a few weeks due to not being able to make consistent groups or form any kind of ingame friendships in the player base due to how the Duty Finder pairs you with strangers from all servers who you'll never see or play with again. I've never had this problem in any other MMO I've played, where you go out, meet up with people of similar level and interests and form lasting bonds throughout your game time.

I think my problem came with moving to the game from FFXI and FFXIV v1.0 with a group of friends, I then left for about 6 months and came back to see them playing hardcore endgame which wouldn't be a problem for most other MMOs, but this game is all about convenience and despite being invited to FC, Linkshells etc, I literally did nothing with any of them... it was more like an interactive chat-room, in fact I barely ever saw them :o I was on Hyperion (a legacy server) and I've read a few people had the same experience as me.

So does anyone recommend a server that has a strong social community and is good with new (well newish) players? I was thinking one of the new servers with the EXP bonus applied, I think there's free world transfers at the moment also. Ideally I would love to find a group of about 4-6 people who would like to play through the games content from scratch.

All this Stormblood news has given me the MMO bug again :p
Strangely I've had the completely opposite experience in this game. I had 1 friend currently playing on and off, sometimes only online 1 day a week, but he got me an invite to the FC he was in and from day 1 everyone in that FC wanted to do things together. Whether it was simply doing the roulettes, doing Deltascape, maps, farming old raid bosses for mounts, or having a few hours decorating the FC house it felt like there was always something going on that I could get involved in.

It's probably the only MMO apart from SWG where I have seen people do things together outside of raiding and dungeons.
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