Man of Honour
We're over £250 on PayPal alone
I'll update more tomorrow.
I'll update more tomorrow.
We're over £250 on PayPal alone
I'll update more tomorrow.
We're over £250 on PayPal alone
I'll update more tomorrow.
I recently had an MRI under bupa in leeds. The cost was £350 and I got it done within 10 days. It was for my leg (torn cruciate) but I would imagine the costs are similar no matter what is being scanned.
Best wishes to you all.
It depends on the type of scan and the number of areas needed. If Skywalker would be kind enough to advise the type of scan needed I will find out.
Good morning , - From what I can remember it was something about a slice brain scan , He did say they wouldnt be able to do it here in Brighton and would have to be done at Kings due to his machine being special