Finally beths main brain scan results

If we don't get a don to offer to create one I would be more than willing to set it all up (providing no-one disagrees), unless of course Skywalker wants to make the arrangements, which would be more sensible.
Thanks for all your comments guys , I have tried calling them about 10 times now but no joy in answering

Solari - I have added you onto msn if you use it

Not until I get home, mate. Catch you then :)

As for someone being proxy - I would do it, but am a bit nervous seeing as I'm not really *that* much of an active poster or known that well around here, so people might assume I'll sod off to the pub on the proceeds ;) A Don would really be much better but meh! If I can do it in a way that proves I'm not a scammer then I suppose it's not a problem.
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Very best of luck. I remember when you first posted about this. Made me feel very sad indeed. At least they've got a bit of an idea about what might be causing the problems.

You're in very good hands I'm sure. Which hospital were you at? It's a bit of a bummer about the length of time needed to wait until the scan, but unfortunately MRI scanners are exceedingly expensive and exceedingly useful, hence in short supply.

Good luck again, keep us updated.
I remember reading your various threads about Bethany and after reading each one it made me feel very sad for you all. It would be a real pleasure to help in any way possible :)
It is very poor that the NHS won't get the scan done faster, I seem to remember a news story about a guy who needed treatment for his son. NHS route had a big delay, private was a couple of days.

He agreed to go private, got the treatment and then wrote a cheque which he then cancelled. When the hospital came back with a reminder he told them that the NHS agreed the treatment was needed and should have paid/done it sooner. If they pursued him he would go to the press and did they want the bad publicity.

Back on planet reality - I can't imagine what you are going through, I have two children under 3 and it makes my heart go cold imagining this kind of thing.

I'll keep an eye out for the paypal details and definitely stick something in.
My Grandad when he was still here, needed a cataract operation but they wouldnt do it on the NHS until he had gone blind in one eye. (both eyes were affected) he paid for one privately and waited 4 months for the other on the NHS. He'd fought in the war, paid his taxes, but the system let him down when he needed it.
The NHS is on the whole a wonderful thing, but sometimes it stinks.
There is nothing I can say that other posters have said, I would donate some loose change, there is only one thing I can do and the rest of us is donate to help with the private care.

The best site would be,

* Creating your fundraising page should take around 5 minutes — that's it!
* Choose the event you are doing and the charity you want to raise money for.
* If you don't have one already, register for a Justgiving account.
* Give your page a title, write a message to your friends and add a photo.
* Email the address of your page to everyone you know, here and abroad, and start collecting donations online!
* Justgiving charges a small transaction fee on donations. Money is transferred automatically into your charity's bank account — you don't have to chase any cash or cheques!
Hard to say what people have donated. Any amount donated is extremely generous and you have to put your hands together for those who have done it, regardless of the numbers. All i had planned for that money was some DVD's and books, which i'll buy next month instead. I'll be really upset though if i read/watch them before Bethany has had her scan though!
Hard to say what people have donated. Any amount donated is extremely generous and you have to put your hands together for those who have done it, regardless of the numbers. All i had planned for that money was some DVD's and books, which i'll buy next month instead. I'll be really upset though if i read/watch them before Bethany has had her scan though!

Well something like 30 people have donated right? And if we have all given £10-£20 then there is a minimum of £300 there. :)
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